Behind the second molar, the dentist will evaluate you and make a recommendation to keep or remove wisdom teeth based on their eruption position your ability to keep them clean and the presence of diseases such as cavities or gum issues keep in mind that some providers recommend removal as early as age 14 why do you ask?
Number one there they’re actually easier to remove because they have not completely formed and number two the vast majority of people are gonna need their wisdom teeth removed at some point anyway. One thing that we cannot do is predict the future we cannot predict with accuracy what will happen to wisdom tooth over time it is for this reason that the recommendation to prophylactically remove wisdom teeth is frequently given early removal of wisdom teeth before they are fully formed minimizes risk to adjacent structures and allows for the best overall healing when you’re a younger space where the wisdom teeth were, will actually fill with bone more easily and has less negative impacts on the adjacent second molars as mentioned earlier. Wisdom tooth surgery is easier to perform in younger patients because the surrounding bone is less dense and the roots of the tooth are not fully formed based on immature root formation. One of the best times to remove the wisdom tooth would be between the ages of 14 and 20 anytime before age 25 years old is ideal but some people have to get their wisdom teeth removed older than age 25 for various reasons.

What Are the Wisdom Teeth?
Third molars or wisdom teeth are the last teeth to form and the last teeth to erupt into the mouth because they are the last teeth to erupt. The decision to keep or remove them often depends on the amount of space available for them in the mouth. Wisdom tooth construct erupted in the mouth as early as fifteen or sixteen, but truthfully the age at which they erupt is individual to each person. Females tend to develop these teeth earlier than males, but by age 25, 95% of all third molars will explode in the mouth.
Impacted wisdom teeth
A tooth is impacted when it has failed to erupt into the mouth within a reasonable time. It usually should emit when a tooth is blocked by another tooth or grows in a way that makes it impossible to enter the mouth. It usually is impacted. Many people have one or more impacted wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth typically erupt by age 20, but eruption can continue until age 25. The position of the third molars does not change substantially after age 25, but there may be some case reports of third molars erupting into the mouth up to 40. The most common reason wisdom teeth become impacted is inadequate space.
Copperhills Family Dentistry specialists provide specialized dental services that help our patients cultivate healthy and happy smiles. We’re happy to provide compassionate care coupled with cutting-edge technology.
Dental ImplantsReasons to Remove Your Wisdom Teeth
What are some reasons why you may need your wisdom teeth removed? We will look at a complete list of reasons, but we commonly tell patients that if it wasn’t that teeth do not have room in the mouth, if you cannot keep them clean or if there are any signs of dental caries or gum issues we will most likely recommend removal. Not only do we look for diseases or problems that are currently present, but we also try to predict the likelihood of problems developing later in life-based on the current findings during the exam. Let’s look at why you may need your wisdom teeth removed.
Impacted wisdom tooth can lead to more severe problems and diseases. While there are many arguments for the benefits of wisdom tooth extraction, here are the top reasons to help you make an informed decision.

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Wisdom Tooth Infection
When the wisdom teeth have partially erupted, some of the dental crowns may be covered by gum tissue. This tissue covering the third molar crown makes it difficult to adequately clean the third molar because bacteria and debris can get underneath the tissues surrounding the third molar, leading to inflammation and possibly infections around the wisdom tooth. When the tissue that covers the third molar becomes inflamed, we call it pericarditis. Removal of partially erupted wisdom teeth can help not only prevent pericarditis but can also help treat and resolve active cases of pericarditis. Because the wisdom tooth are at the back of the mouth, they are difficult to keep clean and even more challenging if impacted. If you are prone to getting cavities or what we refer to as dental caries, then you could likely develop a hole in the wisdom tooth. Well, attempting the place of filling on a wisdom tooth can be very challenging and may have a poor long-term prognosis. The prevention and treatment of cavities on wisdom teeth are often best completed by removing wisdom teeth.
Periodontal disease is when certain strains of bacteria in the mouth migrate into the gum tissue and cause inflammation, possible swelling and subsequent tissue and bone loss from around your teeth. Similar to our discussion on preventing cavities on wisdom teeth, we also desire to avoid gum disease around wisdom teeth. Partially erupted, impacted and even fully erupted wisdom teeth can be hard to keep clean, and if not kept clean, they could develop gum disease over time. If yours show any signs of potential risk or development of gum disease, they should be considered for removal.
Tumours and Cysts of the Jaw
An impacted wisdom tooth can lead to tiny tumours or cysts in the jawbone, which can lead to joint pain requiring the assistance of a TMJ specialist and a variety of TMJ treatment options you would rather avoid.
Do Wisdom Teeth Cause Dental Crowding?
If you are considering getting braces or are currently in braces, you will want to have your wisdom tooth considered for removal. Wisdom tooth become impacted if there is adequate space. If you have crowding or teeth that overlap anywhere else in the mouth to straighten these teeth, the orthodontist will likely need more room to even things out by removing the wisdom teeth. We can create a little bit more space for a better outcome with the braces, and we would also add that. Despite popular belief, there is a preponderance of evidence that suggests that impacted wisdom teeth are not a significant cause of crowded anterior and scissors. Many patients think that their teeth in the front are crooked because of wisdom tooth erupting, and this is just not entirely true. When a third molar is impacted, part or all of the crown of the third molar may be covered by a follicular sac that contains microscopic cells that helped form the height of the tooth is rare. Still, it is possible that the follicular sac around the third molar could develop a cyst or tumour. The percentage varies in the dental literature. Still, the possibility of this happening is generally less than 3%.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth and Damage to Other Teeth
Your dentists will want to evaluate your wisdom teeth using a panoramic film or a three-dimensional film to determine how ample space exists around the crown of the wisdom tooth, larger areas indicated potentially enlarging follicular sac, and these teeth should be strongly considered for removal when the wisdom tooth are growing and trying to erupt into the mouth they may bump into the adjacent second molars if they contact the adjacent second molars and continue to increase pressure.
Tooth pain or sensitivity
When the wisdom teeth are impacted, they take up a decent amount of space within the jaw, weakening it and making it more prone to fracture. If you have had pain in your mouth and after being seen by a dentist in Newmarket, they can find no reasonable explanation for the pain, and you still have your wisdom tooth, you may want to consider removing them; wisdom tooth can cause unexplained pain, especially during their active eruption. Removal of wisdom teeth frequently resolves this pain, so most of the issues we discuss result from third molars that are impacted or partially erupted; if the wisdom tooth is Anitha gums and bone, you’re less likely to experience some of these described issues. Fully-formed wisdom tooth that are entirely impacted can be left alone and may never have problems.
If you’re looking for a wisdom teeth specialist with deep experience to provide outstanding care to you or your loved ones, contact Copperhills Family Dentistry today to assess your unique situation. With our location in Newmarket, our team of doctors will prioritize your comfort.