Oh mother nature, why are you so unpredictable lately? I mean can it be spring yet? I am not sure about you but these winter days have been brutal lately. Did you know that Dallas had an ice storm this week? And today it is snowing again? Us Texans are not used to such chilly weather.
Speaking of this winter weather, yes I can bundle up and stay indoors but one thing that has really started to become a beating is keeping up with my hair. I have always had a very simple hair regimen but when one day there is an ice storm and the next is it 65 degrees out my hair has really taken a beating.
I can’t be the only one who has hair that is suffering so I decided that I would share my winter hair tips to help you too keep your hair hydrated, soft and luxurious during these chilly days!
- Moroccanoil Treatment is your best friend. Although I use this product year round, during the winter months it becomes much more necessary. Moroccanoil Treatment can be used as a conditioner, styler and finishing tool depending on your needs. Plus, its formula leaves your hair healthy, shiny and more manageable. (Note: I use the Moroccanoil Hairspray in medium hold…you can get it here)
- Wash on cold. Right before you are about to get out of the shower (post conditioner of course), turn the water to cold and finish with a cold rinse. This little burst of cold will not only wake you up (seriously though) but it will also seal the cuticles of your hair to help it retain the moisture from your conditioner.
- Conditioner is your best friend. I know we all know this but it is really important to condition the hair, especially during the winter months! I have never broken the bank for shampoo or conditioner and have found that L’Oreal Shampoo & Conditioner. It’s my favorite.
- Don’t over dry. I am so guilty of this. I blast the heat on my blow dryer to get my hair dry faster. Apparently if you lower the heat setting on your dryer and take just a few extra minutes to dry your hair it will help keep it more moisturized.
I hope these simple winter hair tips help you get that moisture and bounce back in your locks! Stay warm and keep that hair conditioned! xx
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