Arts & Crafts Magazine

Winter Cheer

By Ada
The concept of "Winter Cheer" is probably a lost cause at this point in this particularly long winter.  I find myself house bound today even though I am in Houston, Texas!  We are in the middle of an ice storm as I write this and I don't dare to try to take my daily walk as I have had enough of slipping and falling on ice (having lived the past few years in New England) to last the rest of my life! 

Looking out my windows, though, the icicles on the bird feeder aren't stopping my resident cardinals from getting their breakfast and that reminded me of a recent finishing photo that was shared with me:Winter CheerThis is the first one of my "Joy Cardinal" canvas that I have ever seen stitched and I can tell you right now it is already one of my favorites of all time!  This is a perfect example of what a really gifted and creative stitcher can do with a really small canvas.  The stitcher, Carolyn B., stitched it for her daughter as a gift after having "stolen" it from the daughter's stash, lol!  Wish someone would steal some of my stash like that!  Great work, Carolyn, and thanks so much to daughter Jennifer for sharing her photo.  Hope this has brought some "Joy" to your winter as it has mine, see you next time! 

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