In favor of posting a daily dress to the best of my ability, l am putting weekend links on hold (and also I have very few links to share, so… there’s that) but I would like to share this one,which is very important: if you can, I would highly encourage you to check out/pray for/donate to this fund.
A longtime family friend of ours’ daughter has had a brain tumor for years that they had previously been told was inoperable, but a few weeks ago a neurosurgeon called to tell them that he believes he can safely remove her tumor before any more damage is done. This tumor has caused her seizures from a very young age, and so far as I know, there was never expected to be a complete cure for it!
However, due to the nature of the tumor, they must act quickly and need to raise a bout $11,000 for food, lodging, their part of the surgery that insurance doesn’t cover, plane tickets, and vehicle rental by the time they need to leave, which is in about a week. So, if you can, please consider donating to help them with the immense cost of the trip and the surgery!

Haha! No, really, it’s pretty awesome. You get to walk right through as though you’re part of the street stalls and sellers with their wares, you can experience the three Kings telling of their quest to seek the newborn Babe, you can walk past Mary and Joseph cuddling their child in the manger… it’s pretty cool. And every year it garners more attention; last year I think there were upwards of 3,000 people who walked through.

And, because of Dressember, I thought these “hope” earrings would be perfect! Well, perfect for many things — the hope Dressember gives to women who are abused and sexually enslaved, hope for Christmas, hope for Hannah as she and her family prepare for her brain surgery… so many things!

Dress, heels, headscarf, and belt, Thrifted | tights and cardigan, Target | earrings, gift | glasses, c/o Firmoo
Well! I hope you are all having a good Saturday! I’m off to watch a few extras from the extended edition of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug before we prepare for the Living Nativity.
Happy weekend!

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P.S. Not to be annoying about it, but the Firmoo Blogger contest is still going! I don’t expect to win anything, but hey… I might as well try, if you want to keep voting every day!