Drink Magazine

Winter 2014 Big Brew Beer Fest Recap

By Bolanrox

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Another round is in the books. Just enough snow to make things pretty but in no way hampered or dampened the spirits inside.  And talk about a crowd,  I want to say there were about 1.5 times the amount of people as the September session.  It was jumping, and depending where you were (the VIP section etc)  it was kind of crowded.  Not long lines really but full very full.  Maybe people held off going to the fall one because of hiccups  the initial winter event?

First session was the way to go if you wanted to get to try some of the beers.  Carton’s 12% Imperial Cream Ale monster that is Coffee Regular, arguably one of the top things I tried, kicked well before the end of session 1,  echoing the fall when the same thing happened with Pumpkin Cream.

In the VIP room  there was a great selection, and like the crowd had more to offer from the last go around.  Plenty of sours and the like which was a great change of pace.

Food wise,  Hot Rods Morris Tap and Grill and Cow & Curd hit it out of the park,  if you were there and you didn’t try some thing from each of them you were missing out.

A huge congrats to Flounder Brewing for picking up this seasons People Choice! New Jersey was bringing it strong, there is no doubt about that.  It was great to finally meet some of my NJ twitter and face book friends!

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My most have top picks of the day were Kane’s Solitude and Carton’s Coffee Regular, who about you guys?

Winter 2014 Big Brew Beer Fest Recap

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