The winning image known as "A Tale of Two Foxes" shows a red fox carrying the carcass of its smaller cousin the Arctic fox, following a brutal battle between the two animals at a national park in Canada. The area which mounts the shore of Hudson Bay, is one of the few areas where the territories of the two species overlap.
The brutally and sheer horror of the situation is captured without doubt by the winning photograph, as if the larger red fox spots its smaller cousin then it will often pursue the Arctic fox in a predatory manner. Wildlife guides working in the Wapusk National Park have previously spoken about seeing such conflicts but this is thought to be the first time it has been caught on camera.
Mr Gutoski told BBC News that "It's the best picture I've ever taken in my life. It's the symmetry of the heads, the bodies and the tails - even the expression on the faces".
The winning photo along with other winners from the competition can be seen at an exhibition at the museum starting on Friday, before touring the country at a later date.