
Win A Gardenia For Mother’s Day

Posted on the 02 March 2020 by Sim @simslifeblog

If you have read my latest post, you will have seen I am currently looking after a banana plant from Plant Pet Club . Indoor plants and anything gardening related is definitely not my forte, however my banana plant seems to be thriving at the moment... for once I must be doing something right! Plant Pet Club offer a fantastic subscription for lovers of indoor plants and those (like me) who have absolutely no idea where to start! Keep reading to find out more information about the indoor plant subscription service and how you can win a Gardenia for Mother's Day!

Use code: PPCBOX for 15% off your FIRST plant delivery from Plant Pet Club!

What is Plant Pet Club?

A monthly subscription service with a difference! Feel like you would like to add something to your home but do not know what? An indoor plant has many benefits, from lifting your mood and boosting creativity, helping purifiy the air around you and helps to reduce stress and fatigue. I have to admit to talking to my banana plant and caring for it in place of a pet. If you do have a pet though, be reassured that Plant Pet Club only send out plants that are pet friendly!

Win A Gardenia For Mother’s Day
Win A Gardenia For Mother’s Day

Whether you are an avid gardener or a complete novice when it comes to indoor plants, the Plant Pet Club caters for all abilities and makes the process of nurturing an indoor plant easy. With a monthly subscription priced at £30, you can expect a hardy plant already lovingly tended to and a gorgeous plant pot, straight from the box of your free delivery.

The easy to understand plant care instructions card offers fantastic advice on how to keep your plant in tip top condition! Don't forget to use the code above for 15% off your first month Plant Pet Club subscription!

So, without further ado, you all want to know more details about the giveaway...

Win A Gardenia For Mother’s Day
Win A Gardenia For Mother’s Day

How To Win A Gardenia For Mother's Day

For your chance to win one a Gardenia indoor plant for Mother's Day (pictured above), simply enter using the Gleam form below and do not forget to answer the question by leaving a blog comment!

Win a Gardenia from Plant Pet Club for Mother's Day


Giveaway ends at midnight on Sunday 15th March 2020.
One winning entry we drawn at random by Gleam.
The winner will be notified within 48 hours of the giveaway ending and a UK postal address to send to the official agent to arrange delivery of the prize will be required by the winner.
The winners will receive 1 x Gardenia Plant from Plant Pet Club.
Open to entrants in the UK only.
The prize is non-refundable and no cash alternative will be offered.

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