Family Magazine

Win £20 ASOS Vouchers With The Emigration Group

By Maxwell1212 @MummyToTheMax
Win £20 ASOS Vouchers With The Emigration Group
The Emigration Group was established in 1992 with the sole aim of helping people achieve a new life overseas. The Emigration Group are a UK company dealing primarily with British and other English speaking migrants wishing to emigrate to Australia and New Zealand.
Before Ben and I had Maxwell, there was always one thing which I dreamed of and that was emigrating to another country. I always quite fancied moving to Australia as I knew a number of people who had moved over there and the move had transformed their lives.
I was always interested to hear about the new places old friends had visited over in Australia and I was always interested to hear about what jobs they were in and how there lives were progressing. I heard many successful stories about how life changing their move had been.
Maxwell is now 3 and the dream of emigrating has been put on hold however one day in the future we will try and make that dream a reality. When we are ready, I will be getting in touch with The Emigration Group to help with the move.
To celebrate how wonder The Emigration Group are, Mummy To The Max has teamed up with them to offer one lucky Mummy To The Max reader the chance to win £20 worth of ASOS vouchers - a perfect amount to buy a new swimming costume or new swim shorts for the Australian weather! All you need to do to enter this competition is enter the simple rafflecopter below. Good Luck!
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