To be eligible to win a pair of free tickets to this concert, click the Facebook “Like” button on the right of this page, and then post a message with your favorite Selena Gomez, Jonas Brothers, or AllStar Weekend song (you’ll need to provide your email address but don’t worry–it won’t be published and it will never be used except to inform you if you’re the winner)

On March 20, 2011, at the Universal Amphitheater in Universal City in Southern California, all three of these stars will be performing a benefit concert to benefit City of Hope, a phenomenal independent research, treatment and education facility located North of Los Angeles that is paving the way in finding ways to conquer cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening diseases. It is consistently named among the top cancer treatment facilities in the world.
To get your tickets, you can visit or But hurry, tickets for any ONE of these acts sell out quickly, I’m sure that once word gets out that all three of them are in concert, tickets will be gone fast.
If you’re in or will be traveling to SoCal around that time, give the teens or tweens in your life the thrill of a lifetime. Here are the event details:
Sunday, March 20 @ 5 PM
Gibson Amphitheatre at Universal City Walk
100 Universal City Plaza
Universal City, CA 91608
I was contacted by Phil from City of Hope’s social media agency who offered to give a pair of tickets to one lucky reader of Just click the Facebook “Like” button on the right of this page (if you haven’t already), and then post a reply to this blog post with your favorite Selena Gomez, Jonas Brothers, or AllStar Weekend song (I have to screen these to make sure you’re a true fan

posted on 30 July at 23:47
I love Selena Gomez and Allstar weekend AND the Jonas Brothers!!!!! I have all their posters but mostly I have alot of selena's! I also know alot about her. My favorite song about Selena Gomez is I love you like a love song. My favorite song by Allstar Weekend is Dance Forever and my favorite song by the Jonas Brothers is Year 3000 :)