Fashion Magazine

William, It Was Really Nothing

By Desiree68 @pullyoursocksup
Do you know what's really great about decluttering?
Aside from the obvious benefits of sorting through shite to separate things into "keep" and "biff" piles, one finds much-loved treasures.
I rediscovered this butter-soft leather vest, weird petti-skirt thingy and gorgeous sparkly blue belt.
In fact, everything I'm wearing here, including the bag, was taking a break from the public eye.
William, It Was Really NothingThese things weren't hidden away, just resting, waiting for me to re-visit them.
The belt was a gift from Clare of Miss Simmonds Says.
I've worn it more often in the past year, than any belt I've ever owned.  
I have a small collection of belts, but they're slowly ending up in The Stylist's wardrobe as I find them uncomfortable to wear ... except for this sparkly sequinned number.
Oh by the way, don't worry, The Stylist is getting her fair share of bits and pieces put away for her during this period of clothes sorting ... probably not for long, she's getting very tall!
William, It Was Really NothingLeather vest, Amy Winehouse rosary - EtsyEarrings - Bones CoutureRubber bracelets - DIY from The StylistSkirt, bag, granny beads, bangle - op shops1950s hat - gift from Nelly of Vintage WishesShoes - second hand marketBodysuit - retail sale
William, It Was Really Nothing
William, It Was Really Nothing
William, It Was Really Nothing
William, It Was Really Nothing
William, It Was Really NothingGosh look at all that wonky cropping!  I'm linking up to Citizen's Shoe Shine today.
Our tree is finally up and surprise, surprise, no presents are wrapped.  
What are you up to this weekend?
Baci, D xoxo

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