Debate Magazine

"William Hague: All Women Should Feel Shame of Rape in War Zones"

Posted on the 25 February 2014 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth
From The Evening Standard: All women should feel “shame” at the world’s failure to prevent rape being used as a weapon in war, William Hague will warn today. In a hard-hitting speech in Washington, the Foreign Secretary will condemn as “unladylike” the “shying away” from confronting sexual violence in conflicts.  He will tell of the 50,000 women raped in Bosnia during the Balkans war 20 years ago and who have still not obtained justice for the crimes committed against them.  He was also due to highlight the “endless list of conflicts”where women, children and men have been brutally assaulted including in Rwanda, South Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali and Liberia.  “It is still considered unusual for a woman to raise these issues,” Mr Hague was set to say in his speech at Georgetown University. “But rape and sexual violence are crimes which overwhelmingly happen to women. And that they should happen, while the world does nothing, should shame all women.  “Indeed to shy away from talking about these facts is in itself unladylike.”

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