TV & Video Magazine

Will Bill and Sookie Rekindle Their Love in the Final Season?

Posted on the 27 July 2014 by Thevault @The_Vault

Will Bill and Sookie get back together before the final season is over?

“They might,” teased executive producer Brian Buckner at the Comic Con panel. “They’re in each other’s spheres, for sure. At the end of the day, it’s a television show, right? This show worked because of the chemistry they shared. … I certainly felt, going into [the final season], that we had to come back to Bill and Sookie.”

In the special preview video shown at the panel yesterday Bill and Sookie were sharing a passionate kiss…. is it a dream …. is it reality…. is it goodbye?




Fans have also been wondering about the flashbacks this season. Buckner said it’s all about helping the characters find themselves again. “With Bill, we got a character who we turned into a vampire god, and he wasn’t that nice,” Buckner explained. “The thinking there was, as Bill tries to find his way back to himself, let’s give him a little help by flashing back to his human life.”

Read the complete article at TVLine.

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