Here are a few little tips on how to take the perfect wildlife shot which apply all photographers that want to capture images of the beauty of the natural world:
Know Your Equipment Whether you have the latest DSLR costing thousands of pounds or are trying to capture snaps on your smartphone, it is important that you are confident and comfortable with how it all works. Many cameras (and indeed camera-phones) have very good automatic settings nowadays so it much easier for anyone to pick something up and start snapping away. If however, you are trying to photograph subjects in low/bright light or at night, it is good to have a play around with the settings before you venture out in order to get the effect you are after.
Research Your Subject More than any other style of photography, research is very important when trying to photograph animals. It is also best to find out a few key things before you head out such as: What is their preferred habitat? When are they most active? What are their key behavioural traits? What do they eat? You may be lucky enough to just stumble upon your preferred subject at the perfect moment but it is quite unlikely. For example, if you are trying to photograph a bat that you have seen flying about in your back garden, it would be silly to head out onto the patio at lunch time to try and get the shot.
Patience Is The Key Animals are lively things that like humans, can often be unpredictable. Trying to capture the perfect image can often take hours of waiting and even then, you may end up with a blurry photo. Instead of trying initially to take hundreds of mediocre photos, it is also best to focus on getting just one amazing shot as time, practice and patience with your subject will show through in the finished masterpiece.
A Few Things To Consider Don't impose on or cause distress to your subject. Be careful to ensure that you are not in any potential danger yourself. Respect footpaths and highways, not entering private land without permission.
Have fun and enjoy capturing the sheer beauty of life in the natural world!