The wildflowers seen on our Tour du Mont Blanc were spectacular!
All the other hikers raved about them as well – in some cases more than Mont Blanc itself. The wildflowers definitely contribute to the IT factor that makes Mont Blanc so special. It’s hard to put your finger on what IT is exactly, but there’s no doubt they are a part of it. I’ve written a practical post on how to plan your own Tour du Mont Blanc, but this post is just about indulging in a little armchair travel where the wildflowers take the stage. Without further ado, let me introduce you to the:
Wildflowers of Mont Blanc:
I have no idea what this flower is, but I love it.
- On a very cloudy day, when Mont Blanc was hiding the wildflowers kept my spirits up.
Wildflowers so dense they looked like a carpet.
These looked liked they belong in someone’s garden, not roadside.
Wild daisies
Wildflowers cheering us on to the finish line back in Chamonix.
And these ones seen in Chamonix. They’re not wildflowers, but they were just so pretty, and vibrant – that I had to include them:
Who else is a fan of wildflowers? Any favorites?