Fashion Magazine

Wilder Street Style: 6 Parisians, from Behind

By Thewilderthings @TheWilderThings
Wilder Street Style: 6 Parisians, from Behind
While some may call Paris the city of light, I've coined it the city of people-watching; I'd never seen so many beautifully dressed citizens in my life. While this revelation isn't necessarily ground-breaking (I mean, there's a reason French women have the reputation for being the best dressed in all the land) it was thrilling for me to see for myself. I feasted my eyes on the fitted shirts, perfectly tailored suits, elegant heels, and terrific trench coats (like the one above). And, being the sneaky blogger that I am, I managed to capture quite of few of the outfits, and the generally stunning people who wore them, on camera. Here, to start off the Paris street style posts, is a collection of six photos I've aptly titled, "6 Parisians, from Behind" (after the jump).
Wilder Street Style: 6 Parisians, from Behind
The texture of the coat, the heels with socks, the almost-clashing's all so good. 
Wilder Street Style: 6 Parisians, from Behind
There is nothing better than a slightly rumpled, made-to-fit khaki suit. Unless it's a slightly rumpled, made-to-fit khaki suit paired with argyle socks and suede shoes. Then it's dynamite. This homme knows what's up.
Wilder Street Style: 6 Parisians, from Behind
I couldn't resist. A waiter in suspenders.
Wilder Street Style: 6 Parisians, from Behind
A bit blurry, but I loved that she had the nerve to wear a scrunchie. And those sneakers...parfait.
Wilder Street Style: 6 Parisians, from Behind
The androgynous look. I think this was a man but I couldn't be sure. Regardless, if the suit fits, wear it.

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