Fashion Magazine

Wilder Pictures: Some Drawings Inspired by Chalk Art

By Thewilderthings @TheWilderThings
Wilder Pictures: Some Drawings Inspired by Chalk Art Wilder Pictures: Some Drawings Inspired by Chalk Art
I recently wrote another Behind the Design piece for Boston Magazine's food blog, this time on the new movement that seems to be sweeping Boston-area restaurant walls: graffiti. And you KNOW I love graffiti (here, too). While you'll have to go to Boston Mag's website to read the full piece and see all the photos, I wanted to put up a few of the pictures that had me breaking out my own pen and paper. Catherine Owens, a server at the restaurant Journeyman and an artist, did some amazing chalk drawings (lower photo above) on the walls of Backbar (about which I wrote my first BtD piece), Journeyman's spin-off bar. They made me want to draw, so, with Catherine's style as inspiration, the above piece and the one below are what I came up with (more after the jump).
Wilder Pictures: Some Drawings Inspired by Chalk Art
And here are some photos I took of Catherine's work (click here for an amazing time-lapse video of her doing it):
Wilder Pictures: Some Drawings Inspired by Chalk Art
Wilder Pictures: Some Drawings Inspired by Chalk Art
Wilder Pictures: Some Drawings Inspired by Chalk Art
Isn't her work beautiful? In contrast mine looks less impressive, but it was certainly fun to do. It isn't finished yet, and I might add some color to it. I'll post the final product when it's done!

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