Lifestyle Magazine

Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White

By Thewilderthings @TheWilderThings
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White   This weekend I took myself on a Sunday photo outing. It was a beautiful day, sublimely fall-y, and I was driving back from Concord; I pulled over on the side of Baker Bridge Road, grabbed my camera, and hopped the stone wall into the field. I love the chilly fall crunch of leaves over grass--the way you kind of sink into the earth a little bit with each step. I was drawn to the texture of the field, of the trees, of the contrasting lights and darks, so I thought I'd shoot in black and white. I also took some color photos, which I'll put up later (more after the jump).
Fall in Massachusetts always brings me back to being a little kid. The season is prime for nostalgia--leaves change and fall off, the days get shorter--the outside world generally seems to be winding down, even though work and school always seem to be gearing up as we get deeper into the season. Early November always reminds me of being in a classroom in elementary school, cutting out hand-prints to turn into turkeys in anticipation of thanksgiving, rolling in leaves at recess, and being in the warmth of my family's home at night. While I hate the short amount of daylight we get, I love the feeling of heading into the holidays, the bustle of the end of the year, and the air so sharp it sometimes feels like you could slice right through it.
These photos kind of capture my feelings about fall--a little sad, but (hopefully) beautiful. I loved the different textures I saw in the field so I went for the close-ups to try to highlight them. I also went for a walk when I was at my aunt and uncle's house in Weston, and took a few pictures (which is where the amazing street sign above hails from). Here are the results:
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White  Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White
Wilder Pictures: Fall in Black and White

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