Debate Magazine

Wild Shooting in Fort Wayne, Indiana

Posted on the 12 September 2012 by Mikeb302000
Wild Shooting in Fort Wayne, Indiana Local news reports
Fort Wayne police have identified 24-year-old Traneilous L. Jackson as the one wielding the gun when shots from a white Ford Crown Victoria peppered the ambulance and a trailing black Chevrolet Impala while the vehicles sped down St. Joe Center Road.
Jackson has been charged with aggravated battery, criminal recklessness with a firearm and possession of a firearm by a felon.
The man who drove the Crown Victoria, 27-year-old Alfonso Chappell, later told police that Jackson wanted to avenge his brother, who he claimed had been stabbed by a man who was inside the ambulance.

Jermaine J. Loyall, 29, was stabbed just before 3 a.m. with a broken beer bottle. Police have not said who stabbed him, and court documents make only a passing mention of the stabbing. Paramedics arrived at the nightclub, determined Loyall to be in serious condition and loaded him into the ambulance to take him to Parkview Hospital.
Two of Loyall's family members and a friend then climbed into a black Impala to follow. Soon, as both the ambulance and Impala passed the Towne House Retirement Community westbound on St. Joe Center Road, they were approached from behind by a white Crown Victoria. Shots then began to ring out.
Inside the Impala, 27-year-old Latasha N. Loyall was hit 10 times all over her body, according to court documents. Lashanda Conwell, 31, was hit once in her forearm, and Domonic E. Loyall, 22, was also injured.
The ambulance sustained at least 18 bullet holes through the driver's side of its body and rear. Glass shattered as its windows were shot out, and at least two bullets made it inside the ambulance.
Jeromy Yardon, a paramedic treating Jermaine Loyall, suffered injuries to his left arm and abdomen from flying glass, shrapnel and bullet fragments, according to court documents.
One of the big problems is how easy it is to get a gun in states like Indiana. They allow private sales, they do not require any licensing of gun owners or registration of guns. All this convenience which is supposed to aid the law-abiding citizens to exercise their rights also aids the criminals. ANYONE can get a gun in Indiana.
The solution is obvious.  Strict gun control, managed at the federal level.
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