Destinations Magazine

Wiki Treason

By Stizzard
Wiki treason “Enemies of the state”, in Merkel pose

IN FEBRUARY and April the German blog published two posts with leaked information about the plans of Germany’s secret service to expand its digital-surveillance budget. They received little attention, in part because of a surfeit of German media coverage about government snooping in the aftermath of Edward Snowden’s revelations. In the context, Netzpolitik’s scoop seemed small.

But on July 24th the blog’s publishers, Andre Meister and Markus Beckedahl (pictured), received a letter from Germany’s federal prosecutor saying that they and their anonymous sources were being investigated—for treason. This pressed not one, but two German panic buttons: data privacy and press freedom.

Postwar Germany’s democracy, many feel, was really born in 1962 with the Spiegel Affair. An article in Der Spiegel, a weekly magazine, questioned West Germany’s ability to defend itself against a communist attack. The defence minister had its editorial offices raided and several editors arrested. Just 17 years after the end of the Nazi era, Germans took to…

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