I hadn't really realised that I am in the minority when it comes enjoying a morning workout. I always workout first thing if I can, my alarm will be set for 6am or around then, I'll be up, dressed and out the door. I find if I can get the hardest thing out the way first, then my day feels so much better and I just tend to feel far more productive.

I can get up at 5am, 6am, 7am... it totally depends on what I need to get done. I might need to get a decent run in and get some work done before I need to go to the office, so I will probably get up at 5am. I like to go to the pool early as well, because it means I can normally get a swimming lane to myself, plus I can do that and shower before work. It's all well and good me telling you why I do it, but I really want to fly the flag for the morning workout, so I've listed 5 reasons why you need to embrace it.
Feeling Good |Some people absolutely love going to an exercise class in the evening, or hitting the gym after 5pm... if that is you then that is great, but getting up early and getting more done before your actual day begins, will not only make you feel far more productive but it will boost that feel-good factor.
It's Quiet | I love that I won't bothered. I often like to do a crossfit workout or go for a run around 6am, and the lovely thing it that nobody is going to interrupt me. I can peacefully get on with what I need to do. If I go for a run, I often get to see the day at it's best - in the summer it is seriously amazing because it is light and bright too.

Burn Baby |Working out in the evening is absolutely fine, but you're far more likely to put it off because you know you still have to do it. Also when you do that 6pm gym class, chances are you'll be taking part whilst carrying a days worth of food you've eaten, or you'll enter that awkward time when you don't eat dinner until after and you're starving, or you'll eat before and regret it! With a morning workout I won't eat, not because I'm rebelling, but I seriously don't feel hungry at that time and will only eat when I genuinely feel hunger. Often with a super early workout you won't have eaten before, so instead of burning off food you've eaten during the day, you're just going to be burning fat.
Try More |This is the perfect time to give things a go! I have tried numerous workouts at home in the morning that I've never done before. I loved the Les Mills On Demand fitness classes, I'd never really die Sh'bam properly, so fancied giving it a whirl where I couldn't be judged for getting moves wrong! I've done the Insanity workouts, this was where I originally tried out Charlotte Crosby's 3 Minute Belly Blitz - which I discovered I loved.
Pack More In |
I must admit initially when I did early training sessions I felt rather wiped out, but after a few weeks I kept going and my days were far more productive. My friend got me into something called the 5am club (basically a bunch of people who get up at 5am to get more out of their day) and after doing that morning training sessions seemed so obvious. Why hadn't I been doing them before!

Hopefully I've helped inspire you to at least try a morning workout... or consider the idea! I know many people will say they don't have time as they have to get to work or have to get the kids to school, but honestly the morning workout may slot into your lifestyle far better than the evening workout. You honestly feel so ready to face the day, more so than just a day where you might get up early, working out in the morning really kicks your body into gear. Fancy trying a morning workout?