Gadgets Magazine

Why You Should Drop Everything And Buy a Nokia Lumia

Posted on the 08 March 2013 by Spencerinc @spencerincorp

Why You Should  Drop Everything And Buy a Nokia Lumia

The Lumia Range

The Nokia Lumia. A darn good mix of phones ranging from phones for the budget-conscious consumer all the way through to the money-means-jack-to-me consumer. With prices starting at around £150 ($220-ish) for the Lumia 520 and 620 all the way through to the oh-so-pricey Lumia 920 which could be yours for just £500. This rather attractive selection of phones has something for everyone. With a phone at every price point everyone has the ability to experience the Lumia. So, now we have the price covered, lets look at the operating system shall we.
Now, the next great thing about the Nokia Lumia range is that they come with Microsoft's own Windows Phone 8 which, admittedly, is not as creative a name as the 'Ice Cream Sandwich' and 'Jelly Bean' operating systems which we have seen from Android but, you can't do everything right. That aside though, this is the latest and greatest of the Windows Phone software updates and boy is it good. Combining fluidity with usability all of the Lumia's are fast and smooth when in use and will only lag when we discover that the moon is actually a big crusty monster that wants to eat all of earth. This speed means that doing the things you want to do can happen much, much quicker.
As well as this, the OS's layout (as is shown above) offers up easy access to all of the applications that you love the most. Be it Twitter, Netflix, Facebook or any of the other of the 140,000 apps found in the Windows Phone app store and then, with the favouritest of your favourites you can make it's live tile bigger so that you never miss any of that oh-so-good information that you love.
Finally, I know what your thinking. 'Why a Lumia for the Windows Phone 8 experience?, why not a HTC?' well there are several reasons, all of which come in the form of little squares on the phones home screen. These are... the Nokia apps. Applications which are added onto the OS by Nokia and they are rather good. These apps include: Nokia Music, HERE navigation and Nokia city lens, among others. These are some powerful apps which give the phone much more functionality and means that the slightly dwindling Windows Phone App Store doesn't matter. These apps are what set the Lumia range apart from it's competitors. Powerful, useful bundles of joy which you get from the beginning of your Lumia experience.
Everything that you could possibly need or want in a phone can be found right here. Of course, there is a lack of some major apps but, they are easily made up for by the in-built apps and the available alternatives in the App Store. So, when you are looking at your next upgrade just consider the Lumia as a great alternative to the Android and Apple big boys you would normally see and buy.

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