
Why You Should Be Doubling Up On Your Tech

Posted on the 05 February 2020 by Sim @simslifeblog

Everyday modern technology seems to have hit a plateau. Quite recently, members of the smartphone industry have been discussing where they should go from here. Pretty much every base is now covered, with lots of different brands emerging with fantastic products at very affordable prices. It seems like in most other areas of technology , there seems to be a lull in development. This is happening for two reasons. Firstly, people are just used to the technology we have and innovating has become harder and harder. Secondly, the prices are still way too high for the average person to upgrade every year. Perhaps that's why, it's important to double up on all your tech, so you don't burn a hole in your pocket.

The best team

Laptops are far from dead. In fact, many people believed the laptop would die out due to the tablet arriving on the scene. However, this has not quite been the case as tablets simply don't match the performance specs of their rival. However, they aren't that far behind, thus you should get a medium-range tablet to complement your laptop. The Apple iPad Pro 11 is incredibly versatile. The second-generation 12.9 version has been viewed as the best tablet for the past 2 years. With 64GB internal storage, Wi-Fi enabled and incredible definition, this is a tablet you can fall back on if your laptop stops working. The Microsoft Surface Pro is another great option if you do a lot of office work, such as write documents, create presentations and need a tablet you can rely on for professional work.

Always have a backup

The best smartphones come in at well over £1,000. It's quite amazing to witness how a small piece of technology can be sold for upwards of 4-figures and yet, only provide small incremental improvements from last year's model. But this is where we are in the tech culture, so it's better to not rely on one single smartphone for all your needs. Any of these Refurbished Phones would make great backups, so if and or when your main smartphone stops working for whatever reason, you still have a decent phone to keep in your jean pockets. The OnePlus 5 has been touted as one of the most well-rounded smartphones ever made and it's very reasonably priced at £184.99. If you'd like a phone that's better for media, try the LG G6, unlocked, black and possessing 36GB of internal storage. This would make for a great emergency backup phone which you can take on trips and holidays.

Workout buddy

If you still love to wear the traditional watch, you should consider an alternative for when you want to be more active, such as playing sports or working out at the gym. A smartwatch such as the Samsung Galaxy Active 2 , is perfect for times when you don't want to damage your high-end classic watch but need a small device that can measure your heart rate and work ethic.

There's always an alternative to the technology we love. It may not be as impressive in performance but it's a nice backup to have just in case.

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