Business Magazine

Why Visitors Leave Websites

Posted on the 26 October 2015 by Andreaantal @andreaeantal

The visual component of your website is the first thing visitors see and is the most common reason why visitors leave in less than five seconds.

Here are the most common possible reasons why people leave websites.


Visitor believes content or product will be of lesser quality and looks for something better.

Typical departure time: 5 seconds or less

  • Graphics don't line up
  • Graphics aren't consistent with content
  • Too many graphics with not enough content
  • Too many animated images

Visitor becomes skeptical that solution is genuine.

Typical departure time: 10 seconds or less

  • Headline isn't related to search results
  • Text is too hard to read
  • Poor grammar and spelling
  • All text and no video

Visitor leaves for fear of pop-ups, viruses, and loss of time.

Typical departure time: 30 seconds or less

  • Page loads too slowly
  • Links don't work
  • Searches don't display results
  • Too many animated images

Visitor sees your website as out of date and notes that you're not wanting to progress with new ways to communicate with your customers.

Typical departure time: 1 minute or less

    Lack of social media icons pointing to LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, RSS, YouTube channel

You can use Google Analytics to monitor the path that your visitors take when they arrive on your website.

What are some of the reasons a website would drive you away? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below!

Why Visitors Leave Websites

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