It is vital to our well being to have goals in life. Having a fixed goal like losing weight or quitting smoking is great. However, many people feel dissatisfaction when they fail to obtain their goals. Therefore, it is important to consider what is occurring in our mind. This can be achieved by standing back and looking at ourselves objectively.
We can strive to overcome dissatisfaction by adopting a holistic approach. This approach takes both our mind and our body into consideration. A persons emotional processes, attitudes and values, beliefs and motivations are interconnected. Personal development can nurture the positive aspect of you to grow. In addition, it can discourage the less savoury aspects of our personality. It can therefore be used to improve our general well being.
Let’s look at a hypothetical situation. Imagine that you have decided to lose weight. Your goal is to lose two and a half a stone in six months. However, you are only able to lose two stone. You feel disconsolate. However, the process has made you more driven and more motivated. You have higher levels of concentration and a more committed character. In short, you have become exactly the sort of person many others aspire to be despite not reaching your goal.
There are other benefits from undertaking the journey of personal development. Many people are dissatisfied because they have failed to reach to level of achievement they want to obtain. The feeling of dissatisfaction is the first stage of self awareness. It is self awareness that helps to form the cornerstone of personal development.
What do I mean by this? Well, if you learn to know yourself, you learn to understand yourself. Once you understand yourself, you can take action to correct any areas of dissatisfaction. It is like going on a voyage of self discovery. You return from the voyage as a wiser and more confident individual. The major benefit of self-awareness is that it reveals what you are capable of.
Few people truly understand the importance of self -awareness. Once you have developed it, you can plan the way you tackle goals more effectively. Self-awareness is about mastering growth and development. Developing a heightened sense of self-awareness through introspection and honest self- appraisal is one of the single most important things you can do in your life.
Conquering general dissatisfaction can seem difficult at times. However, setbacks are an important part of growth and development. Learning to deal with setbacks can only help to make you a stronger person.
We all have good days and bad days. Make the following promise to yourself. No matter how dissatisfied you feel now, life is only going to get better.
Make a fresh start every day and you will be one step closer to achieving your goals.
Author: Heather MacEachern Article Source:
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