Society Magazine

Why the Book of Revelation Should Be Energizing and Reviving to the Christian

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
I found the book of Revelation one of the easiest to understand. Its intent for the reader is plain to read, it has its own built-in study guide, and contains a double promise from Jesus that those who read it will be blessed. Jesus WANTS us to read Revelation. It's a wonderful book. The following was written by Pastor James Bell and I found it concise and helpful. I hope you do too. I love speaking up for the Book of Revelation and I love anyone else who does too! It's a great book of the Bible, sadly undermined, ignored, and misunderstood. Perhaps this essay below will help dispel that.
The Revelation
By Pastor James Bell, Facebook
Southside Baptist Church, Gallatin TN
PLEASE do not slander the Holy Spirit, the ultimate Author of the last book of the Bible-- by claiming that this grand Unveiling of Jesus is hard to understand and scary. The truth is that the primary messages of The Revelation are exceedingly plain to see and the primary truth of the book is most comforting. The Revelation IS scary to satan, demons, and all other haters of God. Doubtless, Satan does not want saints to enter into the profound comfort and instruction that God has in The Unveiling of Jesus. Moreover, let all saints beware of heeding our deceitful flesh that hates the corrections and the commands found in The Revelation!
Through the exiled and imprisoned Apostle John, the Holy Spirit gave The Revelation— which is the unveiling of Jesus as He is today. In this grand unveiling of Jesus, we are given much to heed and much to obey.
We are clearly shown that no matter how bad the storms get on planet earth — Jesus is still the Great Captain of the good 'ship' earth! The risen, ascended, ruling from heaven King of Kings and LORD of Lords will accomplish all of the Great Triune God’s good purposes! Jesus is sovereign and Supreme!
*** A WAKE-UP CALL: We are kidding ourselves if we think that we can stand firm in the midst of the present and coming 'storms' if we are not deeply grounded in the Unveiling of Jesus AS HE IS TODAY!
Keys to great profit from The Revelation:
[1] REMEMBER that this last book of the Bible was FIRST OF ALL written to persecuted Christians, who needed some encouragement, who needed to know that Jesus, not Rome was in command, who needed commendations, commands, and corrections.
[2] PLACE YOURSELF IN THE MIND-SET of one of those first Christians to receive The Revelation. Family members and other fellow saints were missing. They were not AWOL. No, they had been fed to the lions… or maybe banished like the Apostle John to slave labor on the isle of Patmos. Rome was mighty.
The saints were becoming fearful. Some were wondering if they were but fools. Some were already tolerating sin and apostasy. (Revelation 2-3)
But at just the right moment, Almighty God invaded the isle of Patmos by the Holy Spirit and moved John’s pen! And when The Revelation was completed, some how, God got The Revelation, the unveiling of Jesus Christ, to the churches.
Can't you just imagine, the persecuted saints at Ephesus, meeting in secret… and a 'runner' comes in… and they are startled and wonder, "Is he a spy?" No, he proves his credentials… He has just left the aged pastor/Apostle John and likely reported something like, "I have in my hand a scroll that God has given to John to give to the churches!"
Amazed and excited, they listened as the entire Unveiling of Jesus was read! I am convinced that by the time the last 'Amen' of the Revelation was read — well, words cannot capture the joy, the excitement, the hope, the repenting, the revival that took place!
[3] THEREFORE, please, if you have never done this— read The Revelation straight through in one… and with the mind-set of those who first heard it read!
Let us so prayerfully read, so seek to hear, and so commit to obey the things written in The Revelation— That we too, will enter into a new day of joy, excitement, hope, repenting,… in other words— God-sent revival!
----end Pastor Bell----
Amen and Amen. Please don't be afraid to read Revelation. Those are the very last words Jesus chose to speak to His church before He comes again. They are highly important and as Pastor Bell wrote, instructive and comforting.
Why the Book of Revelation should be energizing and reviving to the Christian

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