
Why Test Automation Tools Are Important For New Work Style?

Posted on the 30 December 2020 by Testsigma @testsigmainc

2020 was a testing year for one and all. There were many challenges we had to face and still continue to face. One of them was the challenge to continue working even with the pandemic situation. But, thanks to technological advancements, most of us were able to figure out a way to keep working. And that gave birth to a new style of working for the majority of people around the world.

The new style of working includes working from home. This also means the wide adoption of tools that enable work from home. These tools include – conferencing solutions, collaboration tools, remote management tools – the list goes on. 

Automation Testing tools have been gaining popularity in recent years. But it is now more than ever that they hold the key to improving work and customer satisfaction. These tools that have been automating your test cases now can take you a step ahead by making your remote work experience seamless. 

Why Adopt Automation Testing Tools?

Test Automation refers to the automation of the execution of your test cases. The results of the execution of these test cases are then compared with the expected results. Test automation is extensively used to automate repetitive tasks and those that are not possible to be executed manually. It works for both functional and non-functional test cases. Test Automation is generally adopted when test cases are tedious, take more time to execute than expected, and are repetitive in nature.

Due to a sudden surge in the use of online tools, cut-throat competition from the competitors, and complex application requirements automation needs have only grown. Every tool and software we use today has become more critical than ever before. Hence, it’s very important for businesses to adopt automation testing tools not just for functional testing, but also for end-to-end testing to ensure a seamless user experience.

Reasons why all small scale and large businesses should adopt automation tools for end-to-end testing include – 

  • It vastly increases test coverage. Lengthy tests which are often ignored in manual testing can be run automatically and unattended.
  • Some of these tools are now cloud-based, which give you the option of performing your test automation activities from anywhere in the world, at the time of your convenience.
  • It saves time and money. You can perform parallel automated testing on large test suites to save time.
  • With automation, test cases can be executed multiple times allowing detailed, comprehensive, and exhaustive examination of the code.
  • They can be run at the same time, on different system specifications providing better coverage.
  • They form the basis of CI and DevOps setups. Every commit is tested automatically and the final reports are passed to the developers. 
  • In the case of manual testing, load testings are usually pushed off till the end. Automation along with agile methodologies enhances the process of load testing and makes it quicker, thus it can be initiated whenever required.
  • They promote short cycles of feature development often called sprints which allows developers to focus on a small set of features at a time and test them on the go.

What To Expect From Test Automation Tools?

Automation testing tools are able to playback predefined and pre-recorded tasks and compare their results to the expected behavior. These testing tools have always been considered critical for big IT organizations developing critical applications. However, they are often thought to be too expensive and thus, it becomes difficult for small scale organizations to adopt them. 

Before spending a huge chunk on automation testing tools, it’s very important that buyers make sure that the tools that they are purchasing have all the necessary and essential features that they seek. 

Some important features that every testing tool must provide includes – 

  • Easy access and use, while working remote.
  • Easy-to-create test cases, preferably allowing scriptless automation.
  • Smart UI element locators that can automatically detect UI components for User experience testing.
  • Conditional waiting and control structures to allow multiple viable alternatives within a test step.
  • Easy insertions and modifications without having to re-record the entire test step.
  • Reusable steps preferably in the form of test step groups.
  • Has Cross-browser and cross-platform support.
  • Allows parallel testing of large test suites.
  • Continuous integration with popular tools and also integrations with debugging tools.
  • Comprehensive report generations, with the ability to generate video evidence.
  • Excellent 24×7 customer support available on-demand.
  • Last but not the least, they should be cost-effective and should perform value equivalent to the price.

Why Testsigma Is A One-Stop Solution For Your Automation Testing Needs?

Testsigma is a test automation tool hosted on the cloud. It allows you to create scriptless test cases using natural language thus making it simpler to use even for non-technical users. It has an easy-to-use interface which enables users to automate testing seamlessly. It has a test automation ecosystem that lets you plan, design and develop test cases for continuous testing in Agile and DevOps.

Some important features of Testsigma that allows it to sit right on top of the deck include – 

  • It does not require any expertise in programming since it allows scriptless automation testing.
  • On-demand access to tools, test environments, platforms and results since it’s a cloud-based tool. Create, run, analyze your test cases and test reports anywhere, anytime.
  • Low-cost implementation and allows faster delivery of software through quick automated parallel testing features for large and complex test suites.
  • Allows integration with CI/CD tools and debugging tools, generate and share drill-down comprehensive test reports with the team.

Test Automation and continuous testing have become a necessity for all the software products in order to cater to the growing demands. Testsigma’s focus is to democratize continuous testing by integrating automation with every aspect of an organization’s testing needs. It enables companies of all sizes to test and release their software continuously and faster than ever. 

Signup for a free trial of an improved and enhanced test automation experience.

Bottom Line

To cope up with the agile development methodologies and gain a competitive advantage over the competition, it’s high time that businesses start adopting automation testing. This will help them to speed up the development process and zero in on their additional costs. Customer satisfaction is always the key and adopting automation testing tools that can help you achieve that are the need of the hour. 

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