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Why Star Wars Movies Keep Getting Worse

By Therealmcteag @therealmcteag

Why Star Wars Movies Keep Getting Worse

Well if you can mess up a Han Solo you could mess up a wet dream. Yet some people are always convincing themselves the movies actually GOOD and they are the ones at fault. Its a lot of Bullshit but it happens every time.

Here’s how these movies have gotten to the point making a good one is not likely at all-

The Wrong Movies Made MUCH More Money

The Phantom Menace is the highest grossing movie. That means every movie since has had elements of this huge fail thrown in. They think their giving the people what they want but its just because the price of movie tickets had hit an all time high (and has not gone up much since) around the time the movie came out AND the Star Wars Mandela Effect (more on that later)

Return of the Jedi is probably the highest grossing of the original trilogy in initial release for all the obvious reasons. ROTJ is so flawed the Ret-Conning starts pretty quickly. Its probably the most re-made of the original movies too. This leads to a lot of problems.

Un-Failing Through Sheer Profitability has made the movies bomb proof and review-proof.

 Star Wars Mandela Effect

People blame themselves when they see a multi-billion dollar grossing movie that they know sucks. Herd Mentality and groupthink kick in

Most people think they enjoyed the movies no matter what.

This means no ones Word of Mouth Testimonials about the movies can really be believed. Theyre lying to  themselves and will try to get you to validate it for them by telling you it was good or that it was worth seeing.

Toy Money

The toy money is just as green as the movie money. So if the movie is a little off the mark more toys can be released and people will buy them no matter what. So you can ‘save’ movies with toys

The cruel Paradox; Toys are for Children; doesnt happen exactly liek you might think but it affects the movies.

Everyone collects the toys, including me. The problem isnt that adults wont buy them it’s making a movie too dark and scary for children. As proof- the best movie outside the original series is still Revenge of the Sith, the only PG-13 star wars movie ever. It was not considered profitable and its the “Temple of Doom” of the franchise. Different and interesting but not as successful and much ignored.

So you don’t really learn anything from making a chance-y but good movie.

No chances are taken with Star Wars movies at all. The spark is gone

Feedback Loop

The Phantom Menace was terrible because NO ONE could criticize George Lucas to his face. The Internet made him anonymous again. You can see his effort to literally Un-Fuck the problems of Episode 1 in Episode 2. By Episode 3 he had re-set the stage for a truly good movie in Return of the Sith. I think Lucas absolutely is letting the fans have their way and its probably out of shame when he himself realizes he screwed the pooch with Episode 1.

Once Lucas is gone this lesson leaves with him.

No Failure Analysis

The fans are not honest with themselves when the movie is bad. this stops anyone from killing things that don’t work because most people are followers.

Pure CGI Infatuation

While they got KILLED for the problems of the character Jar Jar Binks the critics deem him as ‘acceptable” effect and it starts us down a path of Pure CGI creatures. Most of the time the Pure CGI creature is simply too easy to create and ends up being mediocre.

They just never reach the level of believeability that Peter Jackson consistently manages to achieve.

Lazy Alien, Ship and Weapon Creation 

A few scars, a helmet and some breathing issues and you’ve got yourself a bad guy. There no more to it than that.  Technology may have simply enabled the developers to the point where they became the opposite of Creative.

Should the Alien Invasion ever occur we will all be shocked and angry if the alien race isn’t essentially the aliens from Hellboy and the Golden Army. These aliens were simply Reused in the Avengers. They pull all aliens is a similar direction.

This spills over to affect all aspects of production. Starships and aliens also get short creative shrift.

Outside the Heroes Weapons and Starships are Under-Developed due to the ease of which any vision can be created.

In the SOLO Movie every weapon but the main characters was bland and boring. Only ships like the Falcon and TIE fighters are actually good.

Because they’ve developed so many aliens theres a point where Aliens are no longer Alien. We’re just too familiar with the Galaxy Far, Far Away.

Many Successful Parodies

After Spaceballs the Star Wars Parodies kept coming. Most were good and that just makes it harder then ever to make a series Star Wars movie. Basically the open of The Last Jedi is so awful it seems like a moment from Spaceballs because any attempt at humor will evoke the parodies.

A similar thing happens to a lesser degree when Star Trek was confronted with Galaxy Quest. For some reason the effects arent as bad. This might because Galaxy Quest was actually a pretty respectful parody.

Last- I have a prediction.

Marvel and Star Wars Look The Same and WILL Crossover

Yup. I said it. I do not think the people involved can ignore the fact that theres a crossover between these universes that will result in the Hugest Box Office take of All Time when “Star Wars Meets the Avengers”. It CAN NOT NOT HAPPEN. It WILL eventually be made. The SOLO movie made for 3 of the last 4 releases simply being bad.

When the franchise is finally deemed to be Underperforming they will corssover the Universes. Don’t believe me” Marvel has had Star Wars rights since 1977. No one will be able to handle this fact. Consider Thor- Ragnorak a test balloon for the Marvel – Star Wars Crossover


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