Some great tips on why it really doesn’t matter what your clothes “size” is, it’s all about fit (and that will vary from store to store). Sometimes the larger size will make you look slimmer!
Want to go to a thrift store but unsure how to find the best bargains? This great guide of 10 Tips for Thrifting will have you sorted out in no time.
My gorgeous friend Cintia of My Poppet made a fun coin purse that looks just like fairy bread – here are the instructions on how to make it!
Want to get your accessories sorted out and displayed and in easy reach? Here are some great ideas to try.
Here is a great list (and I’m included) of websites to help you be dressed in a work appropriate manner over at Classy Career Girl.
Get yourself some well fitting underwear and your clothes will look so much better. Here is a great guide to assist you.
Want to get more style inspiration? Don’t want to dress like a teenager? Then check out Not Dressed as Lamb’s list of 12 Style Bloggers Over 40 You Should Know (and I’ve featured a few of them here already in my Stylish Thoughts series!)
I enjoyed the simplicity of Une Femme’s thoughts on style here.
And finally, my friend Tracey Cleantis published her book on how to let go of what is not working and become happier. Go check it out!