Business Magazine

Why Should Your Company Perform Criminal Background Checks?

Posted on the 25 October 2017 by Mountain Publishing @mountainpublish

The hiring process can be long and tedious with advertising, reviewing resumes and interviewing. This whole process can take a lot of energy and cost companies many work hours. However, after these hours have been spent and candidates narrowed down, you will want to ensure you haven’t wasted your precious time and energy. More importantly, you want to ensure that your chosen candidates are reliable and trustworthy. This is where companies like can help with performing fast criminal background checks.

Criminal background checks can be done in about 7 minutes and will give you an overview of any criminal activity that a person has been convicted of. These convictions may sway your decision in the hiring process, so it is important to know ahead of time. Protecting your business is important. Here is why you should consider criminal background checks for any and all potential hires.

1. Not Everyone Discloses Convictions

Most job applications do ask the question: “Have you been convicted of a crime for which a pardon has not been granted?” and most often people will answer NO, regardless if it is the truth or not. Uncovering deceiving applicants can give you a window into the ethics of potential applicants and allow you to elect to pass on their application. The service you use to perform the check will advise you on your legal rights in this regard.

2. Lower Your Chance of Liability

If you are are company dealing with vulnerable populations, such as the elderly or young children, you will almost always require a criminal background check as part of the process. You could opt to ask the candidate to provide this document, however, it is faster and easier to perform this step yourself, through a service. Having knowledge of a candidate’s criminal charges, especially if related to the population you serve, can mean you are not liable for hiring someone who is a risk or danger.

The same is also true if you are working in an industry with money and large sums of cash. You would want to know ahead of time if your potential hire has convictions dealing with theft, fraud or robbery.

3. Understand and Foresee Potential Risks

While you may choose to go ahead with a candidate’s application even after discovering a criminal record, you will at least understand any risks that may arise with hiring that individual. For example, the person you are performing a check upon has been convicted of domestic violence. You now can understand there might be a risk in outbursts or violent behavior but not necessarily. The background check gives you a snippet into their life. The conviction might have been years ago, giving that person time to rehabilitate. You could discuss with that person for full disclosure if they are willing.

Using a service to assist you with criminal background checks is an efficient way to get information quickly, easily and without wasting company time on tedious phone calls and collecting these from applicants. Your company could save itself a lot hassle, potential scandal and even countless dollars just by checking into whom you hire before you make that offer of employment.

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