Business Magazine

Why Sell On Fiverr

Posted on the 28 June 2012 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

A recent study by Fiverr found that 14% of users cite Fiverr as their main source of income. This new wave of micro-entrepreneurship, with Fiverr hosting over 1,000,000 gigs, has seen sales growth by 600% in the last year alone . The survey also found that 42% have made over $500 and 57% have earned at least $100.

Why users have chosen Fiverr:

  • 86% of the respondents to the survey stated they want to become their own boss and have job independence
  • 72% stated they wanted to increase their monthly income
  • 40% wanted to have more fun and excitement
  • 32% wanted to gain more experience

Why Sell On Fiverr

Infographic Source: Financial freedom, the Fiverr way to financial independence

Why Sell On Fiverr

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