Fashion Magazine

Why Proportions Matter – Duchess Catherine Models

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Why Proportions Matter – Duchess Catherine Models

Duchess Catherine in Alexander McQueen

Checking out some photos of Kate Middleton (The Duchess of Cambridgel) the other day I came across this pic with her wearing an Alexander McQueen knit dress.  And I realised that it looks all wrong as the proportions don’t work for her body.

Kate’s waist is a few inches above where the blue knit waistband sits, and this gives her a 1:1 ratio of top to bottom, which is less flattering than if it sat at her natural waist (where her waist is slimmest) which would give her a more proportioned appearance.

The way this sits it makes her body look exceedingly long and therefore her legs look shorter. Even though she is very lean and long, it’s far from her best look.

Why Proportions Matter – Duchess Catherine Models

in Marlene Birger

Instead notice in the Marlene Birger dress the waistband sits on her natural waist so the dress is cut into uneven proportions which is far more flattering as her legs look way longer.

So just remember: just because it’s designer, doesn’t mean it’s flattering

Read more about proportions and the Golden Mean ratio

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