
Why Now is the Right Time for a Kitchen Renovation

Posted on the 31 March 2024 by Bboj Handyman

Kitchens are the hub of the modern home where we both prepare meals and entertain. However, this constant heavy use comes with a cost – the kitchen will be one of the first rooms in any home to start to show its age and look a little tired. Luckily, a kitchen renovation does not have to cost the earth and with BBOJ’s team of expert kitchen fitters and installers you know you will be getting a great new kitchen at an affordable price.

Here are four signs that it is time to renovate your kitchen

The cabinet paintwork is starting to peel

The constant steam from the kettle and bubbling pans can cause the paint on kitchen cabinets can start to peel after a few years. And with a few spillages along the way, kitchen cabinets can be some of the first parts of a kitchen to need replacing.

If your kitchen cabinets are looking like their best years are behind them then it could be a sign that your entire kitchen needs an upgrade, or if you are on a budget and the rest of the kitchen is still in good shape then you could simply repaint or replace the doors themselves.

The kitchen surface is black or mouldy

Quartz is the material most favoured by designers in new kitchens because it is hard-wearing and stain-resistant. However, many kitchens have wooden countertops, which can look great with careful maintenance, but people often find issues of the surface becoming blackened or mouldy around the sink.

Wood is a porous material, and so in damp areas such as around sinks, unless you are very careful to keep the area dry then you will likely suffer from this issue at some point, and this is another sign that your kitchen might be ready for an upgrade. However, if you are on a tight budget then you could instead choose to replace the whole countertop, or just the section around the sink with quartz or another hard and non-porous material.

The grouting between tiles is looking gray or brown

After a few years, no matter how well you clean the tiled areas in your kitchen, such as the splashback or backsplash behind the cooker or sink, the grout will starting to darken and look gray or brown. Those on a budget could opt to regrout the tiles and refresh the look, but darkened grout is another symptom that might urge to to consider a kitchen renovation.

The kitchen layout doesn’t work for you

Everyone uses their kitchen slightly differently, and popular kitchen layouts change with the times, so it could well be the case that the kitchen layout that was perfect for the previous owner of your home might not be the best layout for you. You might want a central island where there wasn’t one before, or more storage or counter space, or a larger fridge.

If your current kitchen is starting to look a little tired or the layout is no longer working for you then talk to the kitchen experts at BBOJ to help you plan, design, and build the kitchen of your dreams.

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