
Why NOT to Tan This Summer

Posted on the 27 July 2016 by Krickeyb

I, stupidly, used to be a firm believer that being tanner was better. So many of my friends spent their summer days tanning away at the beach or by the pool. It was like an unspoken competition between us. You know the conversations… “Oh look how tan I got after spending the weekend in North Carolina!” or “I just got a new tanning lotion. Only 6 SPF. You’re still using 12 SPF??”

TanningMe at 14, after a long week of tanning on the beach… why!?

Currently, I am CRINGING at younger me who was obsessed with tanning. If you are like young Kristin, you should probably continue reading this post and take notes. Tanning may feel important to you now, but I promise that when you are older, you will regret it. Below are a few reasons why NOT to tan this summer… or ever again.

  • Being tan does not make you more attractive. Why is this still an argument for women and men? Too many people think being pale is “ugly” or not a good look. I disagree. Personally, healthy, youthful looking skin is more attractive than being tan. Let me also clarify what I am trying to say here. Putting your skin through hell to achieve a tan is not worth it. If you are naturally tan or dark-skinned, that is amazing. TLDR: Natural is better. Capiche?
  • Tanning DOES cause wrinkles. Don’t try and hide from this, people. Tanning will cause premature aging, age spots, and wrinkles. If you don’t believe me, check out the copious amounts of research regarding the topic. Go on… do it. Click here for some information from the CDC on indoor tanning and here for more on the risks of outdoor tanning (UV Ray exposure essentially).
  • Skin cancer. I shouldn’t have to explain this one, but I will. Sure, skin cancer may be hereditary. That does not mean if it doesn’t run in your family, you are immune to it. According to the FDA, UV radiation can cause skin cancer “by damaging the DNA in skin cells, causing the skin to grow abnormally and develop benign or malignant growths.” Also “by weakening the immune system and compromising the body’s natural defenses against aggressive cancer cells.” Why risk it?
  • Sun burn is not fun! I know some people do not burn, or a personal favorite line I hear from friends all the time, “I only burn for a day but then it turns to tan by morning.” Um, what? Okay… Fine. You are some form of amazing human who doesn’t have to deal with the red burn that blesses the rest of pale society. Lucky you. Now, let me tell you something about this “tan” you get by morning. Having a sun tan is actually having damaged skin. Again, the FDA explains it best. “The increase in skin pigment, called melanin, which causes the tan color change in your skin is a sign of damage.” That’s all I needed to hear to know I should layer up on sunscreen and enjoy the shade.
  • Having a tan will not prevent sun burn. Where this idea of a “base tan” came from… beyond me. I learned the hard way that this is NOT legit. There is no such thing as having a safe tan. Read the bullet above again if needed.

Tanning used to be so important to me. Nothing was better than baking in the sun until I was tan enough to walk through the school halls in August, confident, browned, and beautiful. Looking back at who I used to be, I don’t understand the reason behind it other than I wanted to believe that tan meant being more attractive.

I am now proud of my part olive-toned, part-pale, and without sun-tanned skin. Why risk my health and soft, young, appearance to be tan for a few months out of the year? Layer up on sunscreen, enjoy the shade, and thank the researchers later. 

Completely unwarranted life lesson from a married woman #14: If you have children, encourage them to wear sunscreen. Don’t forget your spouse, either! We tend to forget ourselves when we focus on our children. Lather it on and be worry-free.

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