Part 3: Your lifestyle
When you are a busy adult, whether because of work commitments, child care, caring for senior family members, pet care, or perhaps all of the aforementioned, it is often easy to make the mistake of putting yourself last. Admittedly in this 3-part series, I am posting this last, which shows I’m as guilty of thinking along these lines as anybody. Whenever I’ve put my needs first, I’ve always felt a little bit guilty, but recent events at my veterinarian’s office made me rethink what I had previously thought of as selfish actions on my part.

I was attending an appointment with my dog when another dog’s owner experienced a heart attack in the waiting room. Fortunately, the outcome of a long and convoluted story was that the dog’s owner recovered well and the dog received care during the recuperation period. It left me with the realization that in order to ensure someone else’s welfare, we need to ensure our own welfare. Ultimately, if we don’t take proper care of ourselves, we become unable to care for others. Isn’t it, therefore, a wise investment to make time for yourself this spring by reviewing your lifestyle and maybe giving it an overhaul if it is falling short?
Rethink your workout habits
You work out to stay fit and healthy, but if your routine hasn’t really changed in many years, maybe it could do with a refresh to keep you interested and challenged. If you enjoy working out with your dog, activities like canine parcours or doga could be of interest to you. If you love walking with your dog, but are thinking about progressing to running, maybe alternating jogging with walking with your pup may be a good way to ease both of you into the sport.

Improve your diet
We’re not talking about dangerous diets or detox programs, but simply evaluating what you eat and seeing how you can boost your nutritional intake can be beneficial. An easy way to start is with a food diary, in which you write down what and how much you have eaten for every meal for a couple of weeks (or longer if you prefer). You will probably be surprised by the results. If you find your diet is particularly low in vegetables, that is an easy fix. Additionally, if you notice that there is a lot of repetition in your meals, you can add more variety to give a broader range of nutrients and more interest for your palate. In the last couple years particularly, many TV chefs, TV doctors, and celebrity fitness trainers have been focusing on increasing nutritional value in meals to try to help people reduce weight, prevent disease, and ultimately add years to their lives. Their suggested recipes are often simple to fix, absolutely delicious, and many are available free online – it’s worth googling.

Take more time for yourself
No matter what hobbies you have and how you prefer to take time for yourself, make certain that you build some of this time into your week. Make a list of the things that you really want to do for yourself and the things that help you relax. Then look at what you actually do on a daily basis and determine what tasks can be eliminated or even outsourced. If you spend all your spare time catching up on household duties, maybe some of those tasks can be shared with a spouse, leaving you some time to attend a language lesson, catch up on a good book, or whatever you want to do that’s just for you.
Nurture your friendships

Friendships are vital, whether we have busy lives or not. Try to stay in touch with friends on a weekly basis, even if just by phone, and try to get together as often as possible. Friendships help us to feel connected, boost happiness levels, reduce stress, and may even help in preventing early onset dementia.

Your Mom was right, spring cleaning is an important addition to every person’s calendar, but not just for keeping your house spiffy. Take time for yourself, it’s not selfish, it’s essential!
Tagged: balance, care, caring for seniors, celebrity fitness trainers, child care, diet, doga, essential, Exercise, fit, Fitness, food diary, friends, friendship, Friendships, googling, happiness, Health, healthy, heart attack, hobbies, jogging, Kids, Lifestyle, nutrients, nutritional intake, nutritional value, overhaul, parcours, Pet care, play, prevent disease, recipes, reduce stress, refresh, rejuvenate, relax, relaxation, running, spare time, Spring cleaning, stress, tips, TV chefs, TV doctors, vegetables, veterinarian's office, walking the dog, welfare, work, work commitments, working out, workout