Travel Magazine

Why Instagram Is the Most Significant Social Networking Platform for Your Business

By Huntsends

Businesses have started using social media for marketing their business because people are more hooked to their electronic devices like mobiles, laptops, tablets, etc., in comparison to newspapers or billboards. Nobody is interested in a flyer that you are going to hand over to them. Traditional methods of marketing have become extremely costly and also, people have stopped paying attention to these kinds of methods. This is why each and every business has started marketing on social media. Apart from using Facebook, business owners have also started using Instagram to a great extent.
Instagram is famous because of the mobile-exclusive status that it has, and this status is responsible for bringing you in contact with the mobile-based customers. You have the option of editing your content irrespective of where you are. Consider the list of the reasons that will state why Instagram is definitely one of the most important social networking platforms for your business.


It is true that irrespective of the social networking site that you are using for marketing your business, you are going to get high engagement. However, whether you believe this fact or not, Instagram has a higher engagement rate for any and every brand that is present on this platform. The engagement on the visual platform is capable of surpassing the engagement rate of Facebook by almost 10 times. Also, it is higher in comparison to Twitter and Pinterest as well.

According to numerous studies, certain important statistics have also been revealed, which is extremely important for every marketer to know.

  • 50% of the Instagrammers are responsible for following a single business at least.
  • 60% Instagrammers claim that they have learned about services and products with the help of this platform.
  • 75% Instagrammers take the required action on this platform itself.
  • Instagram is currently the one and only platform that is allowing Instagrammers to take necessary actions, like visiting business websites, after they examine Instagram advertising posts. You can buy real Instagram likes from reputed websites in order to increase the credibility of your business account.

Influencer marketing

Instagram is definitely one of the best places for influencer marketing. This is something that most of the brands have been trying to a great extent. An influencer is a person who has a huge list of followers. Brands normally collaborate with influencers in order to showcase their products or services and this helps them to gain more customers. The reason behind this is that it is human nature to try out something that the people you admire are already using. Instagram is definitely the ideal place to team up with influencers and highlight your business offerings in front of your target audience. However, you need to ensure that the influencer belongs to the same niche as your business.

People are more interested in real images in comparison to anything else right now. Instagram is all about posting images as well as other visual content. You can post images and videos of your products, and this will definitely help in drawing in more followers.

Social media marketing has been rising, and you cannot miss out on this marketing method. Instagram is one important platform that you should definitely consider for marketing your business globally.

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