Fashion Magazine

Why I Was in California…

By Wardrobeoxygen

Remember my three-day trip to California this past spring? This is why I was there:

If you'd like, go ahead and fast forward to 19.22 to see my 15 minutes seconds of fame. That super brief part I'm in took hours to shoot. It was a really cool experience to see what goes on behind the scenes to create an infomercial like this. I met so many wonderful bloggers and online influencers I only knew virtually (and all that I met were super nice in person). I also met a lot of amazing women who are not online influencers but fellow Gwynnie Bee users who were so cool, so stylish, so nice. And to finally meet the people behind Gwynnie Bee was amazing!

I've talked about Gwynnie Bee a LOT over the past four years. I've been a member all this time and I see the company only improving their selection and service.

Why I Was in California…
Just a few of the looks I've worn on the blog that are from Gwynnie Bee. If you're a size 10-32 and want to try it for yourself, use my affiliate link to try it free for 30 days! And if you get insomnia and see me at some crazy hour on TLC or the History Channel, say hi!

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