Books Magazine

Why I Love Wednesdays...My Reading Chair

By Bookaholic @BookReflections
Why I Love Wednesdays...My Reading Chair
I am returning with my new feature...Why I love which takes place onWednesdays   Last week I discussed my one of my favorite series.  And in the weeks before I discussed my favorite book institution,  types of characters, and one of my favorite genres.  This week's topic: favorite reading spot.
If you want to play along, feel free to grab the image and link your post in the comments.
Why I Love...My Reading ChairWhy I Love Wednesdays...My Reading Chair

I think everyone has that one spot.  The spot where you might look and smile.  You smile because you know you read there.  It's like a dirty little secret that isn't quite so dirty.  You smile because it is the place where the magic sets in.  Oh don't get me wrong.  I can read ANYWHERE and I especially love to read in the bathtub (but I can't show that to the public right now...).  But with my reading chair, I have it all.  I can sit or lay while I read.  I can have everything I need all around me.  I don't have to move.  And best of all... it's comfortable.  Trust me on this one.  

But my chair is different for another reason.  It's mine.  I associate it with all the wonderful things I have in my life: my family and books.  My parents bought me this chair because I wanted it.  I saw it, saw the potential and fell in love.  My dad said... it's yours and that day it was.  Am I really going on and on about a chair?  Well yes, yes I am.  I'm not alone in my love of the reading chair.  It's hard to keep other people out of it.  And I do try.  I do allow my trusty ladybug friends to visit (I love ladybugs and I take them everywhere with me because they are my reading companions but that is another story more bizarre than my love for a chair...maybe another day for that story). 
Really...I just love to read.  And I read in my chair.  So I love my chair.  Those of you who have studied for or taken the LSAT will appreciate those last three sentences more than most.  My chair is my go-to happy spot and I love it.  It is where I reread the Rawhide man, charge my Ereader, or lay on Lilly while reading Exposure.  It is where I will be for my next Read-a-Thon.
I find that I feel more connected to people, places, and things that are connected to my love of reading.  It is a really special thing.  For now, I will end my ode to the chair post so that I can read for my American Legal History class.  In my chair, even that has magic.
Previous Why I Love Wednesdays:Why I Love Wednesday...The Stephanie Plum SeriesWhy I Love Wednesdays...LibrariesWhy I Love Wednesdays...Imperfect CharactersWhy I Love Wednesdays...Historical Fiction

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