I am returning with my feature... Why I love which takes place on Wednesdays. Today's proclamation of love concerns our Favorite Characters we Love to Hate
Why I Love... Jason from Fallen Together
I've picked a character that many of you may be unfamiliar with. Jason from the Fallen Together is a character I just love to hate. I mean, he leaves a girl in a ditch alone when she goes into a seizure. He doesn't get help and only puts a blanket over her. That's such a horrible thing to do. Things could have turned out so bad. Things eventually change and he grows up. He's still the type of guy that I just couldn't call a friend. I probably wouldn't even like him as a person.
But I bring him up because he actually has some redeeming qualities and Ms. De los Santos did a great job making him so complex that you could see how some could like him. Though I did feel bad for him and wish him the best in the end, I still couldn't get over the earlier behavior. When the book was over, I found myself thinking of Jason the most. It is amazing how complicated the human spirit can be.
Which characters do you love to hate? Feel free to create your own post and link up. Don't want to create an entire post? Tell me your favorites in the comments. Thanks for stopping by for another week of Why I Love Wednesdays!!
If you want to play along, feel free to grab the image (there is a button on the right sidebar now) and link your post in the linky. Here goes.
When naming your link, please choose the name of your post. Mine would say "Why I Love...Rhett Butler."
Please link directly to your post and not your blog.
Please participate :)
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