I am returning with my new feature... Why I love which takes place on Wednesdays. Today's proclamation of love concerns our Favorite Series
It's OFFICIAL! I've completely lost my mind. I just realized today was Wednesday. One doesn't keep track on days when they only serve as a ticking time bomb slowly (but surely) bringing you closer to your impending DOOM!
Yes. The Bar Examination (<-- notice the caps) is in less than a week. Who has a test that spans for 3 days?! Who does that?!
In other news... There is a book world out there (that thinks I'm crazy) and I'm totally excluded and really sad about it. But in this world, book lovers talk about books and reading and real life. So let's do that about now.
Remember that for the month of June and July, my blogging friends will pop in to share their book loves! I know you get tired of hearing me gush on and on so let's hear from my fellow gushers :
Why I Love... Favorite Series by Peep & Julie

How long you have been blogging: Hmm, maybe about 3 years off and on?
Primary genre focus: Young Adult, though I read other genres as well
One sentence about you or a quote or whatever you want to share: "You had me at Bacon..."

Gosh, it's hard to pick just one favorite book series! Can I choose three? Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and The Forest of Hands and Teeth.
My all-time fave series is Harry Potter. I love the magic and mystery in all the books. It's probably the only series I could read over and over. My favorite character is Harry, but I love Hermione. She's a smart cookie and a terrific heroine! I'm sad Harry's series came to an end. Yet, I’m looking forward to Rowling's new adult book!
As for The Hunger Games, it's the first book I'd ever read set in a dystopian world. The bleak, dangerous and futuristic world was new to me. THG is intense, edgy, romantic and breathtaking. The Hunger Games is a must read. If you haven't read it...what are you waiting for!
Another favorite book series is The Forest of Hands and Teeth. If you haven't read this series...be prepared. It's frightening, surreal, violent and very sad. The ending...all I can say is: "Holy Toledo!" It left me in a zombie-like stupor. I started thinking about what I would do if there was a zombie apocalypse. All three books in the series have stayed with me long after I turned the last page. I went to a book signing with Carrie Ryan. She's super funny and I got all three of my books signed!
All of these book series feature characters and worlds that range from the magical to the disturbing. They are filled with solid characterization and plotting with twists and turns that led me into believing everything would be alright -- then BAM the unexpected happened! I love books like that!
So, these are my fave book series! What's your favorite?
"That's Swell!": A Reel Swell Productions Blog Primary Genre Focus: I review everything from literary fiction to middle grade books. However, I would say my primary focus is young adult novels.
Since May of 2010, I've been reviewing books on "That's Swell!" I also review books and interview authors on my Huffington Post blog and for Common Sense Media. Aside from my blog, I am a freelance journalist, aspiring screenwriter and novelist.
Which series do you love? Feel free to create your own post and link up. Don't want to create an entire post? Tell me your favorites in the comments. Thanks for stopping by for another week of Why I Love Wednesdays!!
If you want to play along, feel free to grab the image (there is a button on the right sidebar now) and link your post in the linky. Here goes.
LINKY INSTRUCTIONS: When naming your link, please choose the name of your post. Mine would say "Why I Love...Rhett Butler." Please link directly to your post and not your blog. Please participate :)
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