Lifestyle Magazine

Why Host1Plus VPS is The Best Web Hosting

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

Where do you host your site? Might be some well-known company which is taking lots of money from you to make your site up? You might be using Godaddy, , InMotion or any other for that matter.

Now, If you are getting good traffic and don't want others to decide your speed (like in shared hosting, your site will perform slower when others are having good traffic in the same server). You are in need of VPS.

VPS means Virtual private server, with the name only, you can guess that you are going to get your own server without having any other sites on the same server. Nor your site will perform slower when others are getting huge traffic. 😀

Best VPS Web Hosting Host1Plus

One more thing about VPS is you can get that without wasting lots of money or even less than what you are paying currently for shared hosting. You can get VPS at only 2.5$ per month. Normal shared hosting price by other companies will cost you at least 4$ if you are selecting the most basic plan.

You might think that the server will be in a bad country or will be damaged or not maintained properly but you are wrong. The server will be in United States which is the best country for hosting!

I am going tell you why Host1Plus VPS is the best. There are some points I want to discuss to prove that Host1Plus is the best VPS provider.

1. Up-time

Up-time is the one of the most important things when it comes to selecting VPS. For instance, you have purchased hosting but your site is going down frequently then you can say that up-time of the site is not good. There will be no benefit to you if the up-time is not good, you can even lose your important customer or client.

Less up-time may be the reason of low maintenance or damaged servers. But in the case of Host1Plus, you don't have to care about the up-time. Simply because Host1Plus maintains their servers well. They will never let your site go down. In case, if you are using WordPress and upgrading plugins or WordPress itself to upper version then it may got down but for couple of seconds only. The is caused because WordPress needs some time to get upgraded.

2. Server Location

Server Location does matter when you want to do some location sensitive work, it would be best for you to select Host1Plus because their servers are in some best locations like US, Sao Paulo and many others.

Yeah, now you can say that others also provide servers at US but to explain you this, you need to read head #3 reason.

3. Price

This is the most important thing you need to check, because you don't want to pay a higher price for the hosting which you might get at a lower price of same quality.

Host1Plus is having same quality servers like HostGator, Godaddy and many more but they all give shared hosting which is higher price than VPS hosting at Host1Plus. You need to work smart and calculate the prices.

You will get 0.5Core Processor with 256MB RAM, 20GB hard disk and 500GB bandwidth per month!! With 256MB RAM, you can handle multi hundred online visitors on your site and with 500GB hard disk, you can get more than 5 thousand visitors per month. Moreover, it's your own server so no one is there to store their site on your server without your permission.

If you need higher configurations to get more traffic on your site, you can purchase plans according to your need. Here is the screenshot of the plans you can select when you are purchasing hosting from Host1Plus.

You can select any of them to host your sites. As they are VPS, there are no restrictions of use except CPU, RAM, HDD and bandwidth. As you can see, plans start at only 2.5$ a month which is better than most of the hosting providers. In short, you are getting better hosting at a lower price and better quality.

In short, Host1Plus is one of the best hosting company and it is better than any other VPS provider. Your site will never go down, it will never loose speed and nor the price is higher than any other VPS provider.


If you want to purchase hosting or you want to purchase hosting for your first site, then the best thing you can do currently is join Host1Plus. We have experience with it and we have got a great hosting solution. Have a better experience with Host1Plus VPS hosting.

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