Food & Drink Magazine

Why Fast Weight Loss is a Huge #Fail

By Grayson Hayes @cavemandietblog
weight loss

weight loss

Why Fast Weight Loss is a Huge #Fail

This week, Gray Hayes guest posts for on safe and sustainable weight loss in the modern world.

There are no real parameters for weight loss and weight gain. There are well-accepted notions backed by the medical field, but even these are coming under fire. The accepted gist is that it takes an intake of 3.500 calories, or the burning of 3,500 to gain or lose a pound, respectively.  This notion can be easily backed up by the fact that taking in less energy (calories) and burning more of it, will eventually force the body to utilize its stored energy supplies (fat) as energy. The result would be a lower body mass density caused by the fat loss.

Now, in the eyes of many, a quick diet plan based on more chemicals and manufactured “medicines” not regulated by FDA will produce great results. Not that fast!

All these medicines and “miracle cures” do is, essentially, make you feel hyped up for a couple of hours so that your body moves more, or faster, than before. A higher heart rate does help burn fat, but nothing will help your body if, after a whole day of hard work, you go back to feed it with a bombardment of junk products that neither feed it, or make your body perform better.  Quick weight loss is a massive failure. As such, Gray gives tips on how to achieve sustainable weight loss on the paleo diet.

Read The Full Article here:

Why slow and steady was the key back in the day.

What happened back in the day when our cavemen ancestors did not know what a number, or a calorie, was? What was the formula that allowed their bodies to stay at a healthy enough weight that enabled them to hunt, gather, climb, and exist everyday under the worst conditions? Was that ability caused by a weight loss miracle?

Aside from their diet, cavemen were the original cross fitters. They used everything in their surroundings and so their bodies moved with them: Grabbing, climbing, hunting, running, walking, moving, hiding, building homes, destroying old homes, and enduring the elements.

They had eat, but they could only get what was readily available in their environment. The combination of natural, fresh food and typical body movement was the simple denominator that kept their bodies free from the ailments of modern society. It is as simple as that.

Read The Full Article here:

The Power of REAL FOOD

Our ancestors did not diet. They exercised consistently, as their existence depended on their every move.  They had to guard themselves from potential danger, move away from harsh climates, and, most importantly, they had to find food.

What sort of food was that? Well, if we look around, our world provides the biggest, natural food store ever. Plants and proteins were at the epicenter of the diet of the Paleo people. That’s it: Plants and proteins. This also includes fats, by the way. Yes, the chicken and the skin of the chicken.

What was NOT included in their diet? Precisely each and every food item known to the modern man to cause allergies, food resistance, and even the disease we now know as “obesity.”

  • Dairy products
  • Processed sugar
  • Wheat
  • Grains and legumes
  • Processed salt
  • starches

If you take these products out of your daily diet, chances are you will experience less cramping, bloating, and even potential skin rashes and headaches like in many cases. In fact, these are the foods that people with multiple sclerosis, Crohns disease, and a variety of food allergies are strictly forbidden to eat. Ever wonder why?

Like we said in our article about Paleo tips for busy moms, all the things that your body rejects as far as food and drink still need to go “somewhere” to get processed. When your body no longer can take the substances that irritate it, it will respond with allergic reactions, bloating, and other key signs that teach you one thing: You should not take it.

The best thing you can do for your body is stick to the basics of eating: Eat natural and eat fresh.  Get rid of processed, packaged, and bagged up, recreated meals that are cooked with ingredients that have never existed. Be aware of how you feed yourself and start feeling the difference from day to day.

Read The Full Article here:

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