The other day I shared this article from the New York Times on why people are dressing so badly on my Facbook page and it had a huge response. I know from this response that I'm not the only person in this world who wishes that people would take a little more care and dress just a little better, rather than like slobs.
So I have decided to start a movement, grass roots style - it's called Dress Up and all it requires of you is to dress each day as if you are going to meet someone you want to impress.
That's it - just dress to impress each day of September.
You can still dress casually, just not sloppily, if that's what suits your lifestyle.
Start influencing those in your community (and beyond with your social media accounts) by setting a stylish example each day.
This style challenge doesn't have any specific day to day requirements other than that you take a moment to put on your 'good' clothes and shun the sloppy, old, faded, stained, pilled ones in your wardrobe. Sure you can still go out and exercise, but once you're finished, get changed into something stylish, don't stay in your yoga pants all day.
Take a positive role in easing the rest of your community into dressing better. Don't believe it will make any difference? Well I beg to differ as I've seen the impact of dressing better in action in many situations in my life.
Example 1 - The Office
In one workplace when I started working there, jeans were the go-to item, yet my wardrobe was full of suits and more corporate wear, so I just kept wearing them. Over time, jeans disappeared out of the office and everyone dressed in a more businesslike way. As people come and go from workplaces, when new people start they look around and see what others are wearing and follow suit. If you want your colleagues to dress up, then you need to do it yourself and set the example.
Example 2 - Mother's World
Mother's groups are full of tired women with new babies who have little time for themselves. The main emphasis is often on just getting through the day and dressing so that people didn't notice the vomit stains or banana handprints you are covered in. Yet once you're past those first few months of round the clock feeding, it's worth spending just a little time each day to dress up a little better. It will make you feel more human and less like an offspring factory. More like the you, you were, before having kids. I found that when I dressed better for those mothers group meetings and play dates with my kids, after the initial comments subsided, the other mother's also stopped wearing their track pants and got back into some jeans, took off their sneakers and put on a ballet flat. It doesn't take much, but baby steps aren't just for babies.
Dress Up in September
So let's change the world, one stylish outfit at a time. Let's remember that dressing well doesn't have to be:
You can still be casual but stylish.
You can be smart and stylish.
You can be comfortable and stylish.
You can be stylish no matter your shape, size or age.
Be an Inspiration
Share your style and efforts with others on your social media channels - Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook or blog - wherever you are - just use the hashtag #DressUp so we can find you and appreciate your efforts.
Follow my #DressUp in September Outfits each day