Diaries Magazine

Why Do I Need Facebook Again?

By Nicoleao @momfever

why facebookI’m trying to get my head around the importance of social media, but to be frank: I’m struggling.

I just don’t find it interesting to read tweets like: ‘Just had my cup of coffee. It was gooood.’ And although I realize Facebook is very important, I’m having difficulty understanding how to use it.

Because I have a blog.

And I want people to visit my blog. Not my Facebook page. And yes I do have one. After reading countless how-to-books about Facebook I dutifully created a Facebook fanpage especially for Momfever. And then I let it sit there, and gather dust. Because I don’t know what to do with it, now that it’s there. And it’s making me feel guilty.

I want people to visit my blog, not Facebook

From what I understand, I can use Facebook to lure people into visiting my blog! Now thát I like. But how do I do this? Because since I’m publishing all my best efforts on my blog, there isn’t much left to put on Facebook. Should I just put my blog posts on Facebook too? But then people won’t have any reason to come to by blog anymore.

There is no funny twist to this post. I really am that dumb that I don’t understand what’s so great about Facebook. And I really wanna know what Facebook has to offer, when you already have a blog. And how to use it.

So please tell me!

I promise to like you!

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