
Why Do I Need a Personal Development Plan?

Posted on the 22 April 2020 by Invajy @InvajyC
Why do I Need a Personal Development Plan?

"Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" This is an inevitable question in every interview. You have been asked or even asked someone this question. At the heart of this question is: What plan do you have over the next five years? What are you planning for yourself in terms of your personal development? That's what the interviewer wants to know.

So it's crucial to have a personal development plan. It is the vehicle that turns your aspirations into reality. A personal development plan is a structured process that takes into account your current position and maps out training needs, requirements, and perceived obstacles that need to be overcome in order to get to where you want to be.

A self-improvement plan is the structure that supports your vision and brings your dreams to life. As Benjamin Franklin said: "if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail". In order to achieve personal and corporate goals in life, it is paramount to have a plan.

A personal development plan is unlimited. It can be applied to every area of your life, including relationships, family, finances, career, and academic goals. But where do you start? And what do you stand to gain by having a self-improvement plan?

Why do I Need a Personal Development Plan?
Why do I Need a Personal Development Plan?

1. A Roadmap to Your Goals

A personal development plan will serve as a clear roadmap to what you wish to achieve. A plan highlights what actions to take every step of the way, thereby creating a clear way to achieve your goals. Having a roadmap will keep you focused on what you need to accomplish without being sidetracked.

A plan will help you identify pitfalls along the way and avoid them.

2. Clarity in What You Wish to Achieve

Clarity is a precious value given the world we live in, where everything and everyone seems to be begging for our attention. Having a plan brings clarity to your vision in the sense that you know what you are going for. You won't chase anything and everything that comes along.

With a plan, you will be centered enough to identify opportunities that align with your self-improvement plan.

As Lewis Caroll once said: "If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there". A self-improvement plan will help you not only get where you are going but also provides the exact way on how to get there.

3. Preparation for the Next Move

A self-improvement plan, more than anything else, will help you get ready for your next move or level. "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." A plan will put you in a position to have luck. It will help you get prepared for that big opportunity.

A plan will help you strategize for the next level you are aiming for. By preparing for your next move, you will inadvertently reduce stress and anxiety, and you will be able to enjoy what the future holds.

4. Self-Awareness

Baltasar Gracian said that self-knowledge is the beginning of self-improvement. A personal development plan requires you to look inward and honestly evaluate your skills and personality through reflection and meditation. It is vital to map out where you are at. Awareness will help you make better decisions and therefore achieve better results.

It's critical to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses when developing a personal development plan. Self-knowledge will help you work on improving your weaknesses and mastering your strengths. Knowing yourself will also help you identify your unique value proposition and what sets you apart from others.

Knowledge of your strengths will help you figure out the value you bring to the people around you. It will also help you figure what you can do to leverage your strengths to improve your contribution to the workplace, family and in society at large.

5. Effective Goal Achievement

Having a personal development plan will help you master the art of goal-setting. An effective self-improvement plan will help you set both short term and long term goals. A plan will help you break down big goals into small actionable steps and develop SMART goals:

  • S for Specific
  • M for Measurable
  • A for Actionable
  • R for Realistic
  • T for Timebound

Goal-setting is one of the fantastic habits that a self-improvement plan will help you to nurture.

6. Confidence

It is very easy to be clouded by feelings of uncertainty when we think about what the future holds. To be honest, no one knows what tomorrow holds. But having a plan will give you something to look forward to. It will provide you with assurance and a sense of direction.

This will consequently give you confidence and fill your days with optimism since you have specific goals that you are working towards. You will have the assurance in your heart that whatever it is that you are working towards will make you a better person, and will increase your contribution to the people around you.

7. Better Decision-Making

Have you ever been stuck in a dilemma between two alluring choices? A personal development plan will always come in handy when making decisions. It will help you prioritize and pick the best option in any situation.

The reason simply being that it highlights what you are working on at a given time, for example, patience, career development, networking, etc. It provides you with specific parameters. So anytime you are presented with an opportunity, you can ask yourself, does it help me move closer to the goals I am working on?

How to Make Your Personal Development Plan Work

The self-improvement journey is lifelong. In order to make your plan work, there are several things that you need to consider:

1. Accountability

Surround yourself with people who are pursuing similar life goals that will keep you accountable to your plan. Have a mentor or a peer who can make sure you put the work in on days you don't feel like it.

2. Stay Positive and Enthusiastic

Get excited about achieving your goals. It's very easy to be demotivated to follow through with your plan after a few weeks. However, remember the rewards that you will reap from following your plan. They will keep you motivated.

3. Avoid Excuses

We are susceptible to our own excuses, especially when they sound "good enough." Do not allow yourself to make excuses for failing to follow your plan. After all, this is YOUR plan, and this is what you want to achieve.

4. Avoid Distractions

Distractions are dangerous. Don't lose sight of the prize. Keep your focus on your goals.

5. Review Your Plan and Update It Frequently

Finally, review your plan periodically to tick off the milestones you've achieved. A review will help you to formulate new goals and a strategy for reaching them. It will help you identify where you are succeeding and where you need to make adjustments.

Developing yourself through improving your skills and personality is one of the best investments you can make. Self-improvement and personal development is the language of successful people and people who want to discover their potential and reach self-actualization.

You too can do it. Every effort you put towards self-improvement will be rewarded by the massive benefits you will reap from it. Remember, the plan won't work unless you do. Get to work!

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