
Why Crypto IRA Staking Should Be Included in Your Investment Strategies

Posted on the 24 January 2022 by Geetikamalik

Cryptocurrency IRAs have quickly become one of the most popular ways to invest in the crypto industry. 

With a crypto IRA, you can add Bitcoin, Ether, and other altcoins to your retirement portfolio. That means you get to diversify it and enjoy the potentially huge gains associated with crypto. So, you no longer have to rely on stocks and bonds alone to grow your nest egg. 

That said, there are several strategies you can use to make money with a crypto IRA. You could buy and hold, which is where you purchase crypto and keep it to sell at a profit in the future. You could also trade, that is, participate in the day-to-day crypto buying and selling. 

The third and newest strategy is crypto IRA staking. If you are looking for a way to make money with crypto, staking your crypto might actually be a great option. 

What Is Crypto IRA Staking? 

Staking is where you participate in validating transactions on a proof-of-stake, otherwise known as PoS, blockchain. Participation, in this case, is committing your holdings to support a blockchain networks’ validation process. 

Since some cryptocurrencies provide high-interest returns for staking, this strategy can prove very beneficial if you would like to use your crypto to generate passive income. 

As such, here is a list of benefits you can expect from using staking as an investment strategy? 

It Can Potentially Give You Great Profits 

The most significant benefit of staking crypto is that you get to earn rewards. In most cases, these rewards are in the form of interest. 

Depending on the platform and the crypto you have staked, you can anywhere from 10% to 20% of your staked value. This interest is usually awarded as more crypto, which means if you do not withdraw it, you enjoy the benefits of compounding interest. 

But interest is not the only staking reward you can potentially earn. In some cases, you can also enjoy reduced transaction fees.  

It is Easier Than Most Strategies 

The good thing about stalking your crypto IRA is it removes the mental work associated with investing. Making investment decisions, even in crypto, can be tasking. Unless you have a professional managing your portfolio, you must keep up with the markets and decide when to buy and sell. 

But with staking, you are essentially locking up your investment for a specified time and forgetting about it. At the end of this period, you earn your interest. 

It is Less Risky 

Every kind of investment carries risk. Cryptocurrency is no different. However, staking in a way helps to protect your investment. Your coins or tokens are safer from cyberattacks when staked, and since you are not trading, there is also no risk of losing them. Perhaps the only risk with staking is that your investment is still subject to price fluctuations. 

Try Crypto IRA Staking to Grow Your Retirement Investment

If you are looking to earn money with crypto but without all the effort of analyzing and making trade decisions, cryptocurrency IRA staking is a good strategy to adopt. It is easy to do as you do not need expert knowledge (unlike mining or trading), and you can make a decent profit from it. 

However, staking is not without its risks. Bear in mind that cryptocurrencies are rather volatile and their prices tend to fluctuate. Staking might also involve you locking up your coins for a set time, during which you won’t be able to do anything with your staked assets like liquidating them.

All the same, remember to work with a good crypto custodian from the start so you can be sure about the safety and security of your investment. 

The post Why Crypto IRA Staking Should Be Included in Your Investment Strategies first appeared on iNewstelegraph.

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