Business Magazine

Why Content Marketing is So Important to Your 2017 Online Visibility

Posted on the 02 February 2017 by Chrisbrown @ChrisBrown330
  • Everyone knows that content marketing is important. It seems everywhere I look there is lots of discussion about it. Content marketing provides a number of things to your company's visibility on the internet. It helps
  • to establish credibility
  • to get noticed
  • to help attract the search engine results
  • to present your marketing message in a way that is helpful to your potential clients and customers.

Not sure what is content marketing? Let's break it down simply first:

Content - articles, stories, tweets, headlines, information, photos, videos - all focused on a specific topic of interest to a company's intended target audience. (My favorite for B-B marketing are case studies and white papers talking about positive solutions to problems. My least favorite - when people forget and post something political.)

Marketing - the effort to attract the target audience... as well as inform, influence and persuade the audience to feel, think and do. (Take action- call, email or click.)

Everyone has an opinion it seems, but here are some links to thought leaders in the content marketing space:

Joe Pulizzi, a key leader of the content marketing movement and founder of the Content Marketing institute has an awesome blog all about Content Marketing.

Mack Collier, content marketing innovator and Social Media consultant offers solid advice for marketers and companies working on their messaging strategy. (Thanks Mack for your recent email reminding me again not to post anything political in my social media feed because I'll make 75% of the audience mad at me. It is a good reminder!!)

JHB from the UK offers this cool infographic cocktail recipe for Content Marketing:

Why Content Marketing is So Important to Your 2017 Online Visibility
Other thoughts on the subject:
Tips for a Rock solid Content Marketing Strategy
Content Marketing Trends for 2017
Why 2017 is the year of Content Marketing?

Stay tuned - I'm working on the next article about the content marketing editorial calendar. Got a tip or tool? Send it to me and maybe I'll feature it in the article!

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