In the last month we've not only been able to host my parents, but also my aunt and her husband. While hosting them, we've been able to see some interesting places and do some fun things.
I'm not a big fan of Disney World, and my children were very disappointed to hear that they will have to wait until they're grown up to fund their own trip to the Magical Kingdom. But after some of the things we've done, they're starting to see why perhaps some of the most fun things might not just be in Disney World (or Land or Euro or any of those other places).
Because in Azerbaijan you can:
Have dragons in your neighborhood
Run around the fountains and nobody stops you
See sheep as close as you like
Go to a real castle on top of a mountain
And go to another castle on top of another mountain
Throw rocks into rivers
Throw babies into mud volcanoes
And rocks into mud volcanoes
And throw rocks into rivers
Get as close as you like to a really big flame
And throw rocks into rivers
Ride a donkey all by yourself (no guide necessary)Through a landscape like this.
See kids? Azerbaijan really is better than Disney World!