Lifestyle Magazine

Why Africans Look Down on Black Americans?

By 9jagirl4real

Someone asked me this question and I had to blog it of course. Here’s my answer..

Answer: It goes both ways. I know there’s a little feud going on between Africans and Black Americans. I don’t understand why this should be. I can’t control people and what they do so I will leave that alone. It doesn’t matter how people look at you. That’s their problem. Be secure in yourself enough not to care. Trust me, I know a lot about insecurities. Most of time when we have issues with people’s actions, we usually need to check ourselves.

Why Africans look down on Black Americans?

Filed under: Africa, Family, Future, God, Hope, Life, Love Tagged: Advice, Africa, Africans, Black Americans, Culture, Differences, Educational, Experience, Faith, Feud, Future, Hope, Life, Love, Nigerian, Questions and Answer, Relationships, Society, Thinking, Thoughts, women

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