Entertainment Magazine

Who Will Blink First –Top Star Or Director?

Posted on the 03 August 2014 by Cinecorn @cinecorndotcom
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This is something not many might remember in a general sense but if one takes a closer look at some of the recent movie announcements and development, one might realize that over the past few weeks some of the most random and outrageous combinations have been in news for a top actor and a director individually. The interesting part is that these two individuals are supposed to do a movie together immediately but instead of news about their movie together we hear about every other project they might do in future individually.

Sources in the industry say, a game of chess is being played in real life as one is trying to outsmart the other. The top actor is not happy with the way the script is developing, similarly, the director is not happy with the actor for rejecting everything that he is coming up with. There is a deadlock scenario here and both individually want to show the other that, they have numerous offers to choose from. The real question now is who will blink first and compromise? If it’s either the hero or the director, the project would surely be on. But if both stay adamant, this crazy project might not make it to sets. Things are as simple as that and we guess you already know whom and which project we are talking about.

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