Self Expression Magazine

Who Really Cares?❤

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

Who Really Cares?❤

My mother told me a long time ago not to tell people that I do not care what others think because they will think something is wrong with me.

I know my mother meant well, but to be honest, quite a few things about the way I think and feel I am sure certain- not all- people would think something is wrong with me anyway, so I do not really care one way or the other.

I am not afraid to be myself or to express myself. I cannot help how others will perceive. Oftentimes ordinary perception does not indicate reality it is just a personal opinion or notion formed into one’s mind by conjecture or an impression they received whether it be true or false.

I think most people do care what others think, that is why when people who genuinely profess not to care others may not truly believe them even though they are being totally honest.

However, we are out there, we do exist, and we are authentic- and we surely without a doubt do not care what other people think❤.

Who Really Cares?❤

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